At first delve, it’s rather heart-warming. I’d like to say glance but that defies the point of radio. I rather expected soe rap music designed to up the bass and take the speaker to the max. But it’s actually quite relaxing. It all seems quite new and welcoming, and there’s just a few adverts which only promotes further broadcasts. But then the adverts kick in. It’s nothing that you haven’t heard before, but it does try to educate the listener with simple facts about random towns, all of which you can receive the station. I’m told that it’s music for our generation, but I’m not told what generation I belong to. The voice sounds familiar. I think he’s been on a late-night local radio station. Then again, I’ve never known that. There’s some nice classics to listen to. I’d love to know who owns it and what transmits during its prime time. Is he an expat transmitting across the waves?
Saturday, 31 December 2022
Friday, 30 December 2022
A Bright Spark
Thursday, 29 December 2022
England's Green and Glorious Land
It’s becoming a common thing lately. Patches of land containing precious woodland are being felled to make way for houses. You can guarantee that the better the view is, the bigger and more expensive the home will be. Even if the plan is just to make one building, it’ll focus on how many flats and apartments it can cram in or how many rooms are available; whatever makes the greatest return. Meanwhile, the wildlife that used to visit the area is forced to go elsewhere as their home is destroyed. It starts with maintenance work as trees are trimmed to avoid any incident with the road. Then it’s discovered that the wood inside is profitable enough to sell. Finally, once the land is butchered, they realise that they can make some money out of this hole in the ground. It’s annoying that something that was once was enjoyed by so many is now restricted to a privileged few.
Wednesday, 28 December 2022
There and Back Again
Tuesday, 27 December 2022
"It isn't sufficient just to want - you've got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want."
-Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Wanting things and completing objectives are simple. You can tell these to other people, but even if you instruct them it may never transpire to exactly what your vision is. It’s the method that you achieve them which is the problem. You need to work out the steps and follow them though. You might be able to discover them for yourself, you may be able to read up on shared experiences or ask other people for their knowledge, and you might have to pay them to achieve this. Even with a robust plan in place, the universe will conspire a plan to keep you straying from your path, or at least make sure that you get there the long way round. And even if you know how to get there, you’ve still got to take the time and effort to achieve it. And this comes from a president, so you know it’s going to be good advice.
Monday, 26 December 2022
Hobsons Postman's Plum Porter at the Good Intent, Birmingham
Sunday, 25 December 2022
They’re big people who look after you. They supply you with a home alongside some comfort and somewhere to live. They hold you and cuddle you and aid you when you’re injured physically, but they’re unable to help you emotionally. You’ve got to dela with that yourself, but you’ve got to be sure that you’ll be listened to. But what authority do they have over you? You have to abide by their rules so that they will continue to provide for you. You may even get a treat occasionally. But they can be just as scary as any other stranger, especially when they’re cross with you. But all you have is the hope that they know what they’re doing, and their ways and habits are in your best interests. You have to trust them; especially when they think they own you. When you’re away from them you can do your own thing. But you’ve got to earn their trust to be given that freedom first.
Saturday, 24 December 2022
Something Wicked This Way Comes by Ray Bradbury
My rating: 4 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Friday, 23 December 2022
The Breast Bed #empress 12
In an instant, Zhong, suddenly realised where he was and who he was with. For the last few hours, he’d been clinging onto the breast with his beloved empress, using her dark black hair that flowed over her mountainous globes as a bedsheet. He began to half wonder if he had made an impact before more urgent matters entered his mind. Could the empress feel his presence? If so, was it pleasure, defilement, pain or punishment? Would it be possible to escape without being noticed, if he hadn’t already? If so, how? The empress must have built up a sweat from having all that weight piled on top of her overnight, and the only way to relieve her while away from her chambers would be to have her servants scrub her… that was it! He’d pose as a servant as soon as he saw signs of her stirring from her slumber.
Thursday, 22 December 2022
Advent Aproaching
Wednesday, 21 December 2022
Green Hills of Otley #dreamdiary 145
We’re on a walk in the Yorkshire town of Otley. It’s served well be rail and I’ve parked the car at the train station. I’ve also done this walk before so if we choose not to do a circular route, we can just jump on the train to get back to the car. We follow the main road alongside a small, raised wall made of rock with wide open fields beyond. The road rises up a small hill which leads into the centre of town. We call into a traditional pub with an upstairs tiled parlour bar. There’s also a private dining room kept behind a large grey curtain. There’ a row of four handpumps but there’s not a single ale on them. Disappointed, we walk outside and head to the local Wetherspoons. It’s a big three storey building with six balconies above its ground floor. Upon each balcony sits a furry green grinch creature. Standing outside the pub is a giant one towering above them all. He’s hungry and plucks a smaller one off the balcony for a snack.
Tuesday, 20 December 2022
Pershore Man in a Hat at the Rocklands Social Club, Redditch
Monday, 19 December 2022
Do you prefer Google Docs or Microsoft for writing your manuscripts?
I’ve used Microsoft before Google for documents. It’s always been there, even before I was online I was able to access it. I’ve gotten rather good at it, even without taking a computer course I know my way around the various formats and how to get the layout exactly how I want. I can see the advantages of sharing files with other people, but to work on something in private, I’d rather do it without having to log on every time, especially if the internet is down. I know that I can get on and write my piece without having to worry about subscription issues because it’s always there on my hard drive and there’s no fear of getting hacked or losing my work. As long as I continue to back up, I don’t even need to keep entering account details. Plus, it’s very easy to get distracted if you’re constantly on the internet all the time. You only need to hover the mouse over the e-mail button…
Sunday, 18 December 2022
Struck by Stardom
I’m planning to use this image for my Facebook page
for every Star Wars Day. Hopefully, people won’t get too bored. I could
have done with a little trim around the ears but I’ll just tells people that it
was my tribute to Chewbacca. And the satchel strap is my take on Indiana
Jones. I never took the time to find out if the droids actually moved or
whether it was a light or a colour painted on. The guy behind me looks serious.
You’d think that he’s wear something that makes him a bit more in character
than a polo shirt, at the very least some overalls. Maybe he’s got too much maintenance
to do. He could be recording me using his drones. Or maybe he’s getting nervous
about all the attention his droids are getting. After all, they are the ones
that everyone’s looking for. I’m just surprised how many of these characters
started as comics.
Saturday, 17 December 2022
Finding Dory
It’s great to see that the producers made a brief recap of the first film to refresh everyone since it’s been so long since the first film, although I did do some prep work and watch the first film in advance. This film is a lot less serious, and there’s fewer jokes involved and a lot more focus on the plot. I appreciate that it would have been difficult to make jokes about dementia, but there’s plenty more fish in the sea that they could have used. I also don’t understand why the producers decided to refer to Sigourney Weaver so much. There are moments that the animators have skipped to save a few bucks that I would have liked to have seen, like the moment when Dory and Hank commandeer a pushchair. However, the reunion of the fish is very emotional. It’s a film that demonstrates that sometimes you can triumph no matter how high the odds are stacked against you.
Friday, 16 December 2022
Bopping Around Brum
Thursday, 15 December 2022
Shaw Thing
He has a sophisticated voice as if he’s been well-educated then spent his life in a former radio career. He’s a jolly man who likes to be humoured but he’s also fond of punctuality and making sure that things run like clockwork. He has white hair and thick round glasses with a chubby face. There’s a slight scar on one of his wide cheeks. Below that, there’s a bit of a beer belly followed by a waddle. Jeans and a polo shirt are his usual attire with black shoes, with a grey cardigan if it’s seasonal. He ages pretty badly. A stick is needed for transportation, followed by a walker. He’s sometimes accompanied by a younger woman of a Caribbean origin who collects him in a black minivan but I’m confused as to whether she’s his partner or his carer. And it makes things even more awkward if you decide to move onto another pub.
Wednesday, 14 December 2022
Haggling Fail
Tuesday, 13 December 2022
The Key to It All
The time has come for our electric meter to be read. It’s a bit odd in this day and age as you’d think that a smart meter would do this for you, but apparently it just tells you the price when you’re using it. It has no online capabilities and we never got ours to work properly so we just decided it was just a conspiracy as it would probably cost more electricity to keep the thing running. So the time came for us to do a proper meter reading. But since the last one, we’ve had our kitchen done and we’ve no idea where we’ve put the key. We can picture where we used to keep it but we’ve got no idea where it is now. As my mother’s birthday was coming up, I managed to source a twin pack at a bargain price as a joke present. Ironically, the day after the reading was submitted a man turned up to do a manual one.
Monday, 12 December 2022
A Demonstration of Force
Sunday, 11 December 2022
Business Buzzwords
I’m assuming that contact is required with other human beings for these words to have any affect. Reach out. You’re appealing for others to assist you. I’ve got my hands in the air but nothing is happening. If I was in a public place it would like I’d be asking a question or casting a vote. It might take a while to be noticed. Catch up. You could also just be sitting at home watching your favourite soap. Still, it’s an encouraging one as it urges you to raise your game and be on a higher level. Check In. Something you have to do at a hotel, but you can often do it through an automated system. Double down. Is it encouraging you to do twice as much as you already are? It just sounds like a lot of work. Touch Base. Is it encouraging you to get in touch with home? Although you could do it alone but you shouldn’t really. At the end of the day, you’re just saying words. They don’t have any contextual meaning unless you link them to something. Otherwise you could just be taking part in an exercise program.
Saturday, 10 December 2022
Friday, 9 December 2022
Why I'm not voting Blue next time
I don’t think I can vote for the blues ever again. I’ve never known a time when more of our institutions have gone on strike. Postal workers. Train drivers. Nurses. Teachers. Paramedics. They’re all saying it’s about pay and conditions. These are apparently highly skilled jobs that make more money than I do. I’m coping, and I wonder if their moneymaking skills are really up to scratch. Then again, their income may have to sustain more than one person. So costs are going up because the cost of our energy has increased. We’re not sustainable on our own, of which we were assured that we would be if we left the E.U. War has broken out, and we’re expected to sit down and take it like we’ve lost rather than stand up for ourselves. In the meantime, we’ve had three changes of leadership because of corruption and because of the government’s inability to do the job that it’s supposed to. Get a spine!
Thursday, 8 December 2022
Quicker than the Eye by Ray Bradbury
My rating: 3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Wednesday, 7 December 2022
"I don't count my sit-ups. I only start counting when it starts hurting because they're the only ones that count."
-Muhammad Ali.
It’s hard to measure progress
when it’s easy, but the trouble is that you need to learn your limits. If you’re
not tracking where you get up to, it’s going to be very hard to determine if
you’re improving. You might be trying to discover your weakness, but you need
to recognise how that weakness might occur. But this can vary depending on
other environmental conditions. When you get used to something, you might have
a chronological clock to be able to track how long it takes you to perform a
certain number of tasks. Or it may be likely that you have someone else to keep
track of this for you so that you can focus on keeping going. It’s OK to push
yourself but pushing yourself too far will take longer to recover to a medium
that you’re familiar with. But on the other hand, it does show that you’re not
willing to takes things easily. But it is a shame that you have to suffer to achieve
what you want.
Tuesday, 6 December 2022
Marvellous Mario
Monday, 5 December 2022
Saving the World with Cake #dreamdiary 144
I’m upstairs in my house. I look out the window and see a fight breaking out on the front drive of an adjacent close. There’s kids running around everywhere. I reach for my phone to call the police then I remember that I’ve left it downstairs. I then realise the house has a handset in the very room that I’m in. I start to dial then in the distance I hear police sirens so I hang up. When I replace the handset, three young schoolboys are staring up at me. I turn my attention back to the window. People are running away at the sound of the sirens. I lean out of the window and direct a police car to give chase up the hill. Then a second car arrives and I direct it towards the other group who have fled to the end of the road. An old lady drives down the hill in her small box car, and in the confusion she parks on my driveway. She gives a sympathetic smile, puts the car into reverse then drives across the road and into the opposite garden fence which tips the car over. I tell the schoolboys that we should go and help and head down the stairs. As I walk across the landing, I notice a pile of angel cakes and pancakes sitting in the corner. I pop my shoes on then open the door to discover that both the lady and the car have disappeared. It’s been a crazy few minutes so I decide to share the cake. I ask one of the schoolboys to bring it down, then discover that the plates are all in the dishwasher. I find a few serving trays and we go outside to serve cake.
Sunday, 4 December 2022
Steaming into the Future
Saturday, 3 December 2022
Where has this black and blue blot come from? It used to be skin, then there was an accident followed by pain and a bit of blood which has all gone now, but there’s this crystalised dark patch in its place. Why isn’t it soft like the rest of my skin? Why does it feel unnatural? I’m hoping that the soft stuff is hiding underneath, but when I try and look I get a bit of sticky pain followed by more blood. Then the whole process starts all over again. How long will it take to go away? It might heal the body as a whole, but it sure does look ugly. Of course, the key is not to pick at it to let the body heal, but if you can get rid of the hardened bit it will certainly look and feel more natural rather than something that’s been infected. Why can’t I rub something onto it to make the whole thing softer of even disappear? Why can’t I keep things the way they were?
Friday, 2 December 2022
Sadler's Samkova's Stache at the Rising Sun, Redditch
Thursday, 1 December 2022
Monsters at Work
This series reprises the roles of an earlier show and portrays monsters coping with their ongoing change just as everyone has this year, although it’s a shame that the producers didn’t initialise a lockdown theme in the monster world. The supervisory characters don’t seem to have much intelligence here which pretty much allows anyone to get away with everything. And just as in real life, you do get a sense of unfulfillment while at work. It’s set in environment that children might not understand and adults might not want to watch it. There’s plenty of character storyline but few comic moments other than physical ones and not like the jokes that Wazowski is training his employees to undertake. I would have liked to have learnt a bit more about the other departments in the company rather than focus on a core two, but that meant that more characters would have to be developed. However, a second series is planned.
Wednesday, 30 November 2022
Things that have to go Beep
Tuesday, 29 November 2022
The Dress #Titanabell 12
There was quite a bit of rubble surrounding the doorway as Titannabell had to pass her entire body through the narrow doorway. She went rear first so it would be less painful on the rest of her body, then she crawled her torso through. Her dress got a bit ripped in the process. She wondered if the door would still lock. She sighed. Finding a decent seamstress would take ages to repair the gown given the size of it. It would be something that she’d have to sort out in the morning. Not bothering to hang the gown, she threw it across the room. She wondered if the guards could find someone. She started to call one of them in before realising how exposed she was. It was a shame that she didn’t have any servants available to her. Perhaps the host was too intimidated to locate any. Different regions had different customs.
Monday, 28 November 2022
Gorgeous Beer Golden Bitter at the Park Gate, Bromsgrove
Sunday, 27 November 2022
Did Public Trust in Science Fall during the Coronavirus Pandemic?
Not at all. The main problem was that Science wasn’t ready to respond to such a pandemic. There’s no point in making preparations for something that’s not going to happen. It’s just not profitable. That’s why we don’t spend all our public money on military stations to prepare the Earth against alien attacks because it’s very unlikely that it will happen. But when we witness something that does occur, it’s only then that it makes sense to use up resources to develop a vaccine. This isn’t reassuring to the first wave of people who fell to the disease, but it’s also basic health when it comes to survival of the fittest. We also had to resort to scientific advice to discover the best way to combat the disease. A few hundred years ago, all we could have done was sit around and pray. But now we have people wo try and take charge of how life develops. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen fast enough, especially when it affects us all.
Saturday, 26 November 2022
Gate on Fire
Friday, 25 November 2022
Make me a Sandwich
When you ask for a sandwich, you’re asking to be fed. You’re not interested in being insulted. You’re not interested in being called any name since you used a completely different verb. You’re not interested in a fairy floating over you granting you instant wishes to place you between two slices of invisible bread. All you want is to be fed. You’ve asked for help and now you have to make do with some imaginative nonsense all because someone though that it would be hilarious for an assistant to mishear you. You’d think that she’d at least call you an uber or connect you a delivery service. You haven’t specified what you want on your sandwich and maybe you’re not fussed. You might just want to know what’s available. What you don’t want is to be left short-changed. Obviously there’s still a bit of work to do with chain sandwich shop makers.
Thursday, 24 November 2022
Keeping Everyone Happy
Wednesday, 23 November 2022
Cooking up Trouble
Quiet and tepid would be an accurate description of this man. He has a skinny frame and a bit of a nervous disposition, though you’d forgive him for doing any wrong. Confidence is key, and this man doesn’t have it. It’ll be a surprising day if he puts himself forward for anything first. If you can make him smile it’s a wonderful thing but it’s not his regular face. What he does have is a pair of glasses tucked beneath his dark overgrown hair that easily turns into a beard if he’s experiencing a care-free day. When he doesn’t, he tends to show his age in the form of a bald patch. If you have a conversation with him, it can get quite enjoyable but usually you have to take the first step. But be prepared for inside opinions on films, TV shows and video games but not much else. He is willing to learn though.
Tuesday, 22 November 2022
Fahrenheit 451 by Rad Bradbury

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Monday, 21 November 2022
Banking with Blue
I’ve always stayed with the same bank for my day-to-day business. I’ve kept the same account for years. A few years ago, I thought about switching but then I won an iPad in a customer survey prize draw. The machine itself is becoming outdated now and some apps no longer work, but it’s still a handy thing to have. In a world where some banks are closing, they’ve always had a presence in our town so there’s no problem if I need to talk to someone, although they have reduced their hours and counter-service lately, and there’s often a queue for the paying machines. I’m not sure if they offer a deposit envelope service either lately, but you get a better piece of mind if you can see that the cash has been credited to your account anyway. I have looked at other places but some seem to gamble with your interest rates, offering a higher rate if a golfer wins a tournament. No thanks.
Sunday, 20 November 2022
Chasing Chase
Saturday, 19 November 2022
Lost in Travel #dreamdiary 143
I’m travelling with a friend. We’re due to travel to the other side of the country to begin a work contract, but she’s pretty keen on staying put in the bedroom of her new friends. Not wanting to miss my flight I make my departure. I can’t force her to come. It makes me wonder how many of these people deviate from their contract. I head into the town, but before leaving I decide that there’s something that I want to do, which is to see an exhibit and buy a souvenir. I find the building which is just closing its entrances, so I leave my things by the door. I make my way to an art gallery, where a clown is about to start his performance. I have to slip him a few coins to get directions from him. When I return to the doors, one of my bags is missing.
Friday, 18 November 2022
Riding Zuma
So what do you expect of this character other than being able
to travel really fast? Is she able to physically travel of her own accord or
does she need a machine or mechanism to do this? Why does she need a helmet? Is
she just safety-conscious or is she expecting to crash every time she travels? The
emblem in her helmet suggest that she’s linked to something. It could be a specific
service for broken Mercedes cars, or perhaps it’s to portray that she’s
peaceful. She wears some sort of harness so maybe she’s expected to pull
something. Is it so that others are able to track her? She looks very young but
also determined and loyal to do your bidding, and she won’t recognise whether
it’s for good or evil so long as she obeys. She could do with some boots to protect
her paws though. It just seems cruel otherwise.
Thursday, 17 November 2022
The Line-Up
While many people reflected last week with silences, parades and tributes, there’s still a lot of work to be done. There’s survivors that need to be respected also so that their efforts will not have been in vain. People should struggle once and come over it instead of having to fight constantly. Otherwise it seems as if the effort never stops. It seems as if the former ministers have pushed their way to the front of the line to be on display for the camera. But are they really lining up to pay tribute, or are they standing together in a display of national shame for their past performance and they’re waiting for someone to throw the tomatoes? Some are looking down as if to say I’m too high up to go down there, while others stand defiant as if to say that they cannot be blamed for the current situation.
Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Inside the Death Star
Tuesday, 15 November 2022
Dug Days
It looks like this was made in haste to keep kids happy during a pandemic. It features characters that we recognise exploring the perils of their own home, just as in real life. It’s strange to see how easily Carl has adapted back into suburban life after his adventure. There are occasions where the characters use their experiences to achieve goals, but we only witness the results rather than the events. It’s a shame that other characters aren’t referred to until the finale, and a lot more episodes could have been produced for the series, but perhaps the audience was underestimated. There’s also a celebrity cameo in the finale, though you’d struggle to recognise him since he’s mimicking an artificial voice. Overall, it’s entertaining for a few minutes but it doesn’t do the film justice other than offer a retirement plan for Carl, Dug, and probably the employees of Pixar.
Monday, 14 November 2022
Fire Point
What do you do at a fire point? Is it a place where you
gather when there’s a fire? Is there an emergency telephone and a fire extinguisher
alongside an evacuation kit? Do you need an alternative point in case this one’s
on fire? Maybe it’s a place where people can gather to create a fire. You could
get passers-by to point at it with their arm. It’s a place in the building
where fires are actually permitted. Could it be a spot where employees must go
to discover their fate? Or is a place where firearms can be discharged? In
which case, do you stand at the fire point with your weapons or is it the place
where all weapons must be targeted? In which case do I fire directly at the
sign which I assume will be able to take the full force of the blast or in the
general vicinity. Thank goodness it’s not an NRA convention.
Sunday, 13 November 2022
"What is urgent is seldom important and what is important is seldom urgent."
Urgent stuff needs to be done as soon as possible but it’s not really a joy to do. Mostly, it tends to be an everyday activity that you must do, like put your trousers on in the morning. Important things don’t tend to happen often, but if you think about them too much then they tend to be there in the background so it seems like they’re happening all the time. Important things also need to be done, so you need to set some time aside to complete these once you’ve done the urgent stuff. You’ll probably be criticised for doing these things in the wrong order. However, if everything is seldom then there aren’t going to come up very often so there’s very few events that are actually important. But it’s not a good outlook for a world leader who has to decide whether or not war should be declared.
Saturday, 12 November 2022
Hanging Out
Friday, 11 November 2022
Stealth Fighters
Are you referring to a group of pilots flying in blackened triangular jets that are undetectable by radar but stand out like a sore thumb on a cloudless day? Are you focusing on the planes or the pilots themselves? Perhaps they go around towns when they’re off-duty to attack people from behind that they don’t like and they know that they can take their adversaries off-guard. Or maybe they do this anyway as part of their job as they have to enter a building undetected and fight the guards. But how does it work when they fight against each other? Surely it’s the fairer option rather than picking on someone who’s at a disadvantage. In a plane, it must be a case of who spots who in the sky first. You’d need a bright light you wouldn’t want to give away your own position. On the ground, you could have a boxing ring but it’d be difficult to see any action. Instead, you’d need an arena with body cameras connected to screens to work out the best combatant here. But beware, you could be aiming at thin air.
Thursday, 10 November 2022
Queen of the Junkyard
People sitting high up in a raised seat usually get a
relaxing view of what’s in front of them. It could be beautiful. But at the
opposite side is a complete tip. It’s just a mixture of everything that’s an
eyesore and a reminder of the tasks that are required. That’s what they’re
trying to avoid. Hopefully, the view in front of them is inspiring enough to
convince them to work on the back for the sake of everyone else. Then one day
they’ll be happy enough to take a room at the back of the building, if only to
admire their own personal achievement. Hopefully both views will be better. Or
they could never look back, leaving it to the job of someone else. Perhaps someone
else has only been contracted and they’re just focusing on their immediate
territory. After all, the boundaries of bricks have to end somewhere.
Wednesday, 9 November 2022
What Trival Knowledge Might Save Your Life Someday
Look both ways before crossing the road. It’s instilled in all of us throughout our childhood because it saves lives and it should never be forgotten. It’s safer to just stop and take a second to look around you rather than venture out and rely on just one sense. There could be something else occupying that sense so it’s safer to use another one to make sure. If you’re on your phone or there’s something that isn’t usually right then it only takes a moment to check that it’s safe. You might assume that everyone else is following the rules and it’s nice and quiet but it only takes one idiot and a lack of focus to cause an accident. This doesn’t sound like any fact that you’d need to stow away in your memory to win a pub quiz though. It’s just common sense. But a lot of people are lacking this anyway.
Tuesday, 8 November 2022
Monday, 7 November 2022
Breaking down the Language Barrier
It might be handy having a smart device to translate what you want to say into a different language. However, have you ever considered that it might translate what it wants rather than what you want. This means that you could get a different answer every time you asked the same question, and a different understanding of what is being expected. The result may make the receiver react in a way that you wouldn’t expect, and you’ve only got the smart device to find out why. There’s also the ability to control what should and shouldn’t be passed on. You could totally lie about not understanding what’s been said while using the information covertly against the speaker. Or you could be caught by surprise when your counterpart wants to make a friendly informal conversation when you’re not prepared for it. Even if you’re successful, you’re still having a conversation with two people rather than one. Let’s just hope that it gets everything right.
Sunday, 6 November 2022
Driving Blind by Ray Bradbury

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Saturday, 5 November 2022
Who's That Girl #Vampress 11
The people stepped back as the cliffs began to tumble into the land below. The stepping led to a stampede, and the next day the local constables had roped the road off to the clifftop for it was too dangerous for anyone to approach. Some of the local fishermen decided to take their boats out to spot it from the sea, but it seemed as if a second cliff had sprung up from nowhere, blocking the view beyond. Back in the village, there was a woman who’d never been seen before. No-one knew where she came from since the railway had not yet reached our town and the stagecoach was not due that day. People could only assume that she had wealth and her own horses. Wherever she went, she always wore a large round hat that cast a shadow all around her. Her glasses were also dark and no-one had the confidence to approach or even follow her about her business.
Friday, 4 November 2022
On the Double
Thursday, 3 November 2022
Basketball #dreamdiary 142
There’s a new craze in town. It involves throwing a tiny ball into a full-sized basketball ring in a sports hall. Anyone can play it; all you need is to be able to move your arm. You can use any style of ball as long as it’s no bigger than the palm of your hand. Most people prefer to use soft sponge balls if they’re training or if there’s a lot of people on the court. If it’s a tournament game, they may use something a bit heavier similar to a miniature football or a rubber bouncy ball to see how many shots they can make in a minute. Each training session usually consists of a free-for-all throwing session at the start and a timed contest at the end. There’s no uniform but people are encouraged to wear tracksuit bottoms and a loose-fitting t-shirt. Matches are usually played outside and shots are taken simultaneously with the winner being the first to score ten baskets.
Wednesday, 2 November 2022
Coral Life
Because we haven’t even attempted to explore the entirety of
our ocean, there’s no telling what life is like down there. What we would see
as crystalised rock could easily be lights of a miniaturised civilisation. There
could be elements of disguise in the local terrain to make it difficult to
distinguish between what’s been constructed and what’s occurred naturally. White
plants could function as icicles or even snow frozen in the rocks that’s
managed to adapt to a different atmosphere. Fish could be clouds in gigantic
displays of colour, and their waste could act as a weather system. It will be
interesting to see if this new species is able to share the environment around
it. Will it attempt to spread its ideals or will it focus on preservation? Any of
this could be reflected through any image since it’s entirely possible that any
of this could take place.
Tuesday, 1 November 2022
Check Him Out
Fresh out of school, he’s a teacher with an intellectual public school voice and short, spikey blonde hair. He’s fairly tall and has a slim but confident build. He’s got dazzling white teeth and always wears shirt that are too tight for him together with tight trousers. He speaks slowly which is sometimes a bit irritating and makes him the centre of attention while at the same time is just a bit boring. But he does take in the opinions of others, even if he can’t relate to the experience. And if he can’t find anything in common, he’ll head back to school and try to entertain you with tale from the classroom. He’s never told one yet with disruptive kids though. He has many hobbies which include classic cars, live music, and real ale. He’s a bit of a ladies man and you have to question of the pictures he takes will actually meet anyone else’s eyes.
Monday, 31 October 2022
Sunday, 30 October 2022
Chasing the Dot
Most times, the Amazon man likes to deliver to us at night. It’s probably because of the new depot built just outside our town. I’d like to think it’s because that they deliver to the furthest addresses first and work their way back, but I’ve seen them deliver to neighbourhoods just around the corner from mine early on in the morning. When you’re given a delivery date, you don’t necessarily receive a time as well until the day of delivery. That means that if you’re out for the day, you’ve got to leave your safe spot unlocked for the whole of the day, which can be a bit inconvenient if you’re not going to be around. As the driver, it also means that you’ve got to drive around at night in an area that you’re not necessarily familiar with. But when I’m tracking the driver with the app, it looks like they drive through several districts during the delivery period before they reach my address. I’m wondering how many local customers do they serve and whether it would be better to offer a local pickup point?
Saturday, 29 October 2022
The Power of a Brick
Friday, 28 October 2022
I Have Truss Issues
So what do I really think of the new Prime Minister. Well, apart from being mini, she’s certainly got her work cut out. She’s certainly got her guts to run the country and is doing whatever it takes to keep it afloat. It’s also a very hectic tome for her since she practically had to shut the government down days after her official appointment because of the loss of the Queen. Since then, there’s been a lot of instability as everyone is rushing to protect their vaults against the drop in the financial markets. What we really need is someone with balls on the international scale who’s willing to take the country to war to preserve the values we have rather than to accommodate us because of an occurring situation that we hope will go away soon. We need someone who’s going to lead us into a new future rather than someone who’s trying to preserve everything.
Thursday, 27 October 2022
Under the Sea
Wednesday, 26 October 2022
She-Hulk: Attorney at Law
At some stage in the Marvel universe, you get to a stage where the characters break down the fourth wall and launch interactive soliloquies with the audience. This is one such series which starts off well then really takes it to the cleaners in the finale which doesn’t make for much of a dramatic ending apart from all the characters sitting around living happily ever after with any sense of conflict forgotten. The writers have tried to be as creative as possible to make it clear that it’s a TV show, even with the addition of a classic hulk opening scene in one of the opening sequences. It’s great that the series challenges the role of a traditional superhero. It’s also referred to as a ‘comedy law show’ and there’s plenty of references to that too. There’s also some entertaining appearances from a few other MCU characters and it’s nice to see what some of these characters have been up to.
Tuesday, 25 October 2022
Paw Patrol
Monday, 24 October 2022
"My best friend gave me the best advice. He said each day's a gift and not a given right. Leave no stone unturned, leave your fears behind."
-Jack Nicklaus.
It’s nice when you’ve got wise friends who are willing to
help you out. If you treat everything like a gift, then you’re much likely to reciprocate
in return. Sometimes you might not get the opportunity to return a favour, and
the only way to resolve that and keep a clean conscious is to pass the gift
onto another person. This might appeal to the more adventurous person who wants
to make new friends, but it’s a good way of exploring the world you by sharing
experiences. It might take a while to move all those stones, and not everyone
will be happy about it as you wander into other people’s territory, especially
if you don’t put the stones back how you found them. But if you have no fear,
does that mean that you don’t care what others may think of you? It doesn’t
sound very civil at all.
Sunday, 23 October 2022
Through the Doors
Saturday, 22 October 2022
What Happens If Putin Nukes London?
People outside of the M25 will rejoice. We’ll be free of all that focus within the concrete carpark. Our taxes (if we decide to have them) will go into our own projects that do our local community some good rather than pay some expensive politician to waste our resources to keep his car running and his second house clean. We may even branch off and form our own tribes and civilisations. We’ll be able to construct some sort of power plant out of the remaining nuclear waste to supply the nearby towns and cities for the next fifty years or so. The north will suddenly become popular despite the cold, and Scotland will be a lot more attractive. A lot of historical relics will be lost, but the idea of it will continue to be remembered through the internet. And a lot of people will be upset and will be speaking to other countries about retaliating before popping over to do something about it.
Friday, 21 October 2022
Yorkshire's Real Heritage Pubs by David Gamston

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
View all my reviews
Thursday, 20 October 2022
What makes a good friendship? What can you get out of this human connection? How do you decide the criteria for a friend? Is it someone that you can manipulate easily and take advantage of what they have to offer? Is it someone that you enjoy spending time with and share similar interests? Is it someone that can help you with your problems? Hopefully it’s someone with a combination of all of the above unless you keep relationships with specific people for specific reasons. Do you value someone who’s resourceful and can get you places for the best price (if anything at all) or do you value someone’s companionship because they make you feel warm or loved? Is there someone who feels that way towards you but you don’t return it? Maybe there’s someone out there with a combination of all of these elements. How long do friendships last? When do people drift away? Is it because they’ve found something that’s better suited to them? Has an argument taken place and can it be resolved with gifts, apologies and forgiveness?
Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Brick Live!
Tuesday, 18 October 2022
I Like the Way you Move #dreamdiary 141
I’m catching a bus to a meeting with my school crush. I’ve got no idea why she wants to come to this meeting, but I’m delighted with her company. Along our journey to the bus stop, I bump into someone used to go to these meetings. We stop to chat, but my girl carries onto the bus station. After five minutes, I explain that I need to catch up with her. I run to the bus station where the departures are laid out like trains. I head to the stairs and the steps are that narrow that I’m able to slide over the edges of them as if I’m surfing. I pay for my day ticket on the bus and it departs but the girl is nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she’s realised what she’s getting into and she’s made her escape. Or maybe she’s getting on with my friend at the next stop.