Saturday 5 November 2022

Who's That Girl #Vampress 11

The people stepped back as the cliffs began to tumble into the land below. The stepping led to a stampede, and the next day the local constables had roped the road off to the clifftop for it was too dangerous for anyone to approach. Some of the local fishermen decided to take their boats out to spot it from the sea, but it seemed as if a second cliff had sprung up from nowhere, blocking the view beyond. Back in the village, there was a woman who’d never been seen before. No-one knew where she came from since the railway had not yet reached our town and the stagecoach was not due that day. People could only assume that she had wealth and her own horses. Wherever she went, she always wore a large round hat that cast a shadow all around her. Her glasses were also dark and no-one had the confidence to approach or even follow her about her business. 

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