Saturday 26 November 2022

Gate on Fire

Fireworks at the pub. It seems a promising idea to get people in to sell pints. You pay your fee on the gate and get your hand stamped then head to the beer tent for refreshments. There’s not a lot of room to park. The pub is full alongside the layby next to it on the main road and people are also parking on the hill. In the end I decide to park in a free car park in the town centre and walk up. That way I can have a few beers and get some fresh air before returning to the car. At the pub, there wasn’t a great choice of beer at the tent but we always had the option to head back inside the pub. After the usual ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ we stuck around to see the bonfire and cheered as the stack of pallets that it was built on collapsed. Then my friend’s wife gave me a lift back into town, and I dropped another friend off at his house before returning home.

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