Wednesday 9 November 2022

What Trival Knowledge Might Save Your Life Someday

Look both ways before crossing the road. It’s instilled in all of us throughout our childhood because it saves lives and it should never be forgotten. It’s safer to just stop and take a second to look around you rather than venture out and rely on just one sense. There could be something else occupying that sense so it’s safer to use another one to make sure. If you’re on your phone or there’s something that isn’t usually right then it only takes a moment to check that it’s safe. You might assume that everyone else is following the rules and it’s nice and quiet but it only takes one idiot and a lack of focus to cause an accident. This doesn’t sound like any fact that you’d need to stow away in your memory to win a pub quiz though. It’s just common sense. But a lot of people are lacking this anyway.

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