Wednesday 30 November 2022

Things that have to go Beep

Why does something have to bleep all the time when it’s paused? It’s probably to remind you that you need to decide whether to turn it on or not, but if you know that you’re going to turn it on again in the next few minutes it can be slightly annoying. And even then it’s only to check whether some attention is required but you have to tell it that you’re listening. It’ll also tell you sone useless information that you don’t really want to know. It might be appropriate at other sites, but it doesn’t work well here. If you even say a word that it won’t recognise, it’ll try and translate it into something that it does rather than tell you that it doesn’t recognise it. And if it’s in a bad mood, it’ll just listen to itself rather than you so that it ends up answering itself. There’s better ways to operate.

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