Saturday 19 November 2022

Lost in Travel #dreamdiary 143

I’m travelling with a friend. We’re due to travel to the other side of the country to begin a work contract, but she’s pretty keen on staying put in the bedroom of her new friends. Not wanting to miss my flight I make my departure. I can’t force her to come. It makes me wonder how many of these people deviate from their contract. I head into the town, but before leaving I decide that there’s something that I want to do, which is to see an exhibit and buy a souvenir. I find the building which is just closing its entrances, so I leave my things by the door. I make my way to an art gallery, where a clown is about to start his performance. I have to slip him a few coins to get directions from him. When I return to the doors, one of my bags is missing. 

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