Thursday 24 November 2022

Keeping Everyone Happy

It’s difficult to get your charge to do something when you want to do something else, especially when there’s a limited amount of time to do it and you’ve already halved your burden by sharing it with someone else. I really wanted to check out the deals at the exhibition shop, but my niece really wanted to build a car and send it down the ramp. She struggled to find the pieces that she wanted, but I managed to find them for her so that she could build a car and have a go. I kept looking over at the shop, but each time I had to rebuild her car or improve it with better wheels and an improved chassis as we found better parts in the construction pit. I knew that I had to keep her happy. Unfortunately, time was called and we were ushered out by the steward. My niece understood, but I looked longingly at the stall that I never had the time to visit.

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