Friday 18 November 2022

Riding Zuma

So what do you expect of this character other than being able to travel really fast? Is she able to physically travel of her own accord or does she need a machine or mechanism to do this? Why does she need a helmet? Is she just safety-conscious or is she expecting to crash every time she travels? The emblem in her helmet suggest that she’s linked to something. It could be a specific service for broken Mercedes cars, or perhaps it’s to portray that she’s peaceful. She wears some sort of harness so maybe she’s expected to pull something. Is it so that others are able to track her? She looks very young but also determined and loyal to do your bidding, and she won’t recognise whether it’s for good or evil so long as she obeys. She could do with some boots to protect her paws though. It just seems cruel otherwise. 


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