Wednesday 23 November 2022

Cooking up Trouble

Quiet and tepid would be an accurate description of this man. He has a skinny frame and a bit of a nervous disposition, though you’d forgive him for doing any wrong. Confidence is key, and this man doesn’t have it. It’ll be a surprising day if he puts himself forward for anything first. If you can make him smile it’s a wonderful thing but it’s not his regular face. What he does have is a pair of glasses tucked beneath his dark overgrown hair that easily turns into a beard if he’s experiencing a care-free day. When he doesn’t, he tends to show his age in the form of a bald patch. If you have a conversation with him, it can get quite enjoyable but usually you have to take the first step. But be prepared for inside opinions on films, TV shows and video games but not much else. He is willing to learn though.

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