Monday 7 November 2022

Breaking down the Language Barrier

It might be handy having a smart device to translate what you want to say into a different language. However, have you ever considered that it might translate what it wants rather than what you want. This means that you could get a different answer every time you asked the same question, and a different understanding of what is being expected. The result may make the receiver react in a way that you wouldn’t expect, and you’ve only got the smart device to find out why. There’s also the ability to control what should and shouldn’t be passed on. You could totally lie about not understanding what’s been said while using the information covertly against the speaker. Or you could be caught by surprise when your counterpart wants to make a friendly informal conversation when you’re not prepared for it. Even if you’re successful, you’re still having a conversation with two people rather than one. Let’s just hope that it gets everything right. 

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