Friday 4 November 2022

On the Double

There’s quite a few mosaic displays around here, and I’m sure that some are from shows that I haven’t watched but I’m only aware of because I sell the toys at work. Because of this, I’ve been arguing with my five-year-old niece about the lyrics of Paw Patrol. I always seem to lose. And I also get into trouble for getting the names of the characters mixed up (and I don’t do it intentionally to wind her up). Luckily, she doesn’t get too frustrated by it and she likes to help me out. But at the end of the day, it’s a great show which recognises attributes of different characters who are all able to put aside their differences and come together to achieve something as a team. We certainly need those values at the moment. I’m also hoping that the people on the other side of the fence are also admiring our family fun and aren’t admiring something else.

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