Friday 25 November 2022

Make me a Sandwich

When you ask for a sandwich, you’re asking to be fed. You’re not interested in being insulted. You’re not interested in being called any name since you used a completely different verb. You’re not interested in a fairy floating over you granting you instant wishes to place you between two slices of invisible bread. All you want is to be fed. You’ve asked for help and now you have to make do with some imaginative nonsense all because someone though that it would be hilarious for an assistant to mishear you. You’d think that she’d at least call you an uber or connect you a delivery service. You haven’t specified what you want on your sandwich and maybe you’re not fussed. You might just want to know what’s available. What you don’t want is to be left short-changed. Obviously there’s still a bit of work to do with chain sandwich shop makers.

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