Sunday 27 November 2022

Did Public Trust in Science Fall during the Coronavirus Pandemic?

Not at all. The main problem was that Science wasn’t ready to respond to such a pandemic. There’s no point in making preparations for something that’s not going to happen. It’s just not profitable. That’s why we don’t spend all our public money on military stations to prepare the Earth against alien attacks because it’s very unlikely that it will happen. But when we witness something that does occur, it’s only then that it makes sense to use up resources to develop a vaccine. This isn’t reassuring to the first wave of people who fell to the disease, but it’s also basic health when it comes to survival of the fittest. We also had to resort to scientific advice to discover the best way to combat the disease. A few hundred years ago, all we could have done was sit around and pray. But now we have people wo try and take charge of how life develops. Sometimes it just doesn’t happen fast enough, especially when it affects us all.    

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