Wednesday 16 November 2022

Inside the Death Star

Now who lives in a house like this? Probably an egomaniac, but he has to have a giant entourage to accommodate his every need. It’s isolated up there in space, but even with the power of the force he can’t to it all. If he could, he wouldn’t need a giant death star in the first place. There’s a spacious garage at the end to store a spaceship in, but you’d need some kind of security system at home t man those guns if you went out, though I suppose you could have some kind of automated system. I’m trying to work out if that’s a heating system or a missile system on the top floor, or maybe it’s kept perpetually armed so it doubles as both. There’s no sign of any room for living quarters though. Hopefully it’s on the dark side of the death star. Failing that, they’ll have to bunk in the ship.

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