Friday 11 November 2022

Stealth Fighters

Are you referring to a group of pilots flying in blackened triangular jets that are undetectable by radar but stand out like a sore thumb on a cloudless day? Are you focusing on the planes or the pilots themselves? Perhaps they go around towns when they’re off-duty to attack people from behind that they don’t like and they know that they can take their adversaries off-guard. Or maybe they do this anyway as part of their job as they have to enter a building undetected and fight the guards. But how does it work when they fight against each other? Surely it’s the fairer option rather than picking on someone who’s at a disadvantage. In a plane, it must be a case of who spots who in the sky first. You’d need a bright light you wouldn’t want to give away your own position. On the ground, you could have a boxing ring but it’d be difficult to see any action. Instead, you’d need an arena with body cameras connected to screens to work out the best combatant here. But beware, you could be aiming at thin air.

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