Monday 19 December 2022

Do you prefer Google Docs or Microsoft for writing your manuscripts?

I’ve used Microsoft before Google for documents. It’s always been there, even before I was online I was able to access it. I’ve gotten rather good at it, even without taking a computer course I know my way around the various formats and how to get the layout exactly how I want. I can see the advantages of sharing files with other people, but to work on something in private, I’d rather do it without having to log on every time, especially if the internet is down. I know that I can get on and write my piece without having to worry about subscription issues because it’s always there on my hard drive and there’s no fear of getting hacked or losing my work. As long as I continue to back up, I don’t even need to keep entering account details. Plus, it’s very easy to get distracted if you’re constantly on the internet all the time. You only need to hover the mouse over the e-mail button…

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