Sunday 25 December 2022


They’re big people who look after you. They supply you with a home alongside some comfort and somewhere to live. They hold you and cuddle you and aid you when you’re injured physically, but they’re unable to help you emotionally. You’ve got to dela with that yourself, but you’ve got to be sure that you’ll be listened to. But what authority do they have over you? You have to abide by their rules so that they will continue to provide for you. You may even get a treat occasionally. But they can be just as scary as any other stranger, especially when they’re cross with you. But all you have is the hope that they know what they’re doing, and their ways and habits are in your best interests. You have to trust them; especially when they think they own you. When you’re away from them you can do your own thing. But you’ve got to earn their trust to be given that freedom first.

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