Thursday 15 December 2022

Shaw Thing

He has a sophisticated voice as if he’s been well-educated then spent his life in a former radio career. He’s a jolly man who likes to be humoured but he’s also fond of punctuality and making sure that things run like clockwork. He has white hair and thick round glasses with a chubby face. There’s a slight scar on one of his wide cheeks. Below that, there’s a bit of a beer belly followed by a waddle. Jeans and a polo shirt are his usual attire with black shoes, with a grey cardigan if it’s seasonal. He ages pretty badly. A stick is needed for transportation, followed by a walker. He’s sometimes accompanied by a younger woman of a Caribbean origin who collects him in a black minivan but I’m confused as to whether she’s his partner or his carer. And it makes things even more awkward if you decide to move onto another pub.

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