Tuesday 27 December 2022

"It isn't sufficient just to want - you've got to ask yourself what you are going to do to get the things you want."

-Franklin D. Roosevelt.

Wanting things and completing objectives are simple. You can tell these to other people, but even if you instruct them it may never transpire to exactly what your vision is. It’s the method that you achieve them which is the problem. You need to work out the steps and follow them though. You might be able to discover them for yourself, you may be able to read up on shared experiences or ask other people for their knowledge, and you might have to pay them to achieve this. Even with a robust plan in place, the universe will conspire a plan to keep you straying from your path, or at least make sure that you get there the long way round. And even if you know how to get there, you’ve still got to take the time and effort to achieve it. And this comes from a president, so you know it’s going to be good advice. 

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