Monday 26 December 2022

Hobsons Postman's Plum Porter at the Good Intent, Birmingham

You don’t see many wet-led pubs in the middle of a shopping precinct. There’s even fewer that donate the proceeds to charity. Whether the staff work for free in exchange for the experience or the costs are kept low to ensure maximum profit I do not know. I don’t even know where the profit’s going. From the outside, there’s a tiled corridor with a seated area outside. It might be meant for a smoking area but it’s a very chilled place to sit in, even if it is under a roof. Inside, there’s staff who greet you with a smile and are happy to serve you a beer, but they don’t offer too much local advice. Beyond the bar are a few bench-style tables while upstairs there’s balcony-style seating but the view is only over the shopping precinct below. The seating can be quite compact at times, and I wouldn’t expect it to be a destination for those who want to seek out new breweries.

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