Friday 9 December 2022

Why I'm not voting Blue next time

I don’t think I can vote for the blues ever again. I’ve never known a time when more of our institutions have gone on strike. Postal workers. Train drivers. Nurses. Teachers. Paramedics. They’re all saying it’s about pay and conditions. These are apparently highly skilled jobs that make more money than I do. I’m coping, and I wonder if their moneymaking skills are really up to scratch. Then again, their income may have to sustain more than one person. So costs are going up because the cost of our energy has increased. We’re not sustainable on our own, of which we were assured that we would be if we left the E.U. War has broken out, and we’re expected to sit down and take it like we’ve lost rather than stand up for ourselves. In the meantime, we’ve had three changes of leadership because of corruption and because of the government’s inability to do the job that it’s supposed to. Get a spine!

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