Sunday 4 December 2022

Steaming into the Future

I’m at a comic book convention! It’s my very first one. I’m travelling up on my own and I only know one person who’s going so rather than don a full costume I decide to be a little adult and wear a Christmas jumper depicting a Spiderman suit. I put this on only when I’m on my final approach to the train station. I could have offered to drive and split the carpark fee with my friend but that would mean sacrificing some of the pubs that I’d planned to visit on my way home, which was also an alternate plan if I decided that I didn’t like the event. There’s also a problem with trains as some of the London-based services are on strike which makes the faster trains a bit crowded. I opt for a north-bound train and the announcement that the guard makes as we start to arrive at the station makes us all sound very special.

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