Sunday 18 December 2022

Struck by Stardom

I’m planning to use this image for my Facebook page for every Star Wars Day. Hopefully, people won’t get too bored. I could have done with a little trim around the ears but I’ll just tells people that it was my tribute to Chewbacca. And the satchel strap is my take on Indiana Jones. I never took the time to find out if the droids actually moved or whether it was a light or a colour painted on. The guy behind me looks serious. You’d think that he’s wear something that makes him a bit more in character than a polo shirt, at the very least some overalls. Maybe he’s got too much maintenance to do. He could be recording me using his drones. Or maybe he’s getting nervous about all the attention his droids are getting. After all, they are the ones that everyone’s looking for. I’m just surprised how many of these characters started as comics.


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