Thursday 29 December 2022

England's Green and Glorious Land

It’s becoming a common thing lately. Patches of land containing precious woodland are being felled to make way for houses. You can guarantee that the better the view is, the bigger and more expensive the home will be. Even if the plan is just to make one building, it’ll focus on how many flats and apartments it can cram in or how many rooms are available; whatever makes the greatest return. Meanwhile, the wildlife that used to visit the area is forced to go elsewhere as their home is destroyed. It starts with maintenance work as trees are trimmed to avoid any incident with the road. Then it’s discovered that the wood inside is profitable enough to sell. Finally, once the land is butchered, they realise that they can make some money out of this hole in the ground. It’s annoying that something that was once was enjoyed by so many is now restricted to a privileged few.

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