Friday 23 December 2022

The Breast Bed #empress 12

In an instant, Zhong, suddenly realised where he was and who he was with. For the last few hours, he’d been clinging onto the breast with his beloved empress, using her dark black hair that flowed over her mountainous globes as a bedsheet. He began to half wonder if he had made an impact before more urgent matters entered his mind. Could the empress feel his presence? If so, was it pleasure, defilement, pain or punishment? Would it be possible to escape without being noticed, if he hadn’t already? If so, how? The empress must have built up a sweat from having all that weight piled on top of her overnight, and the only way to relieve her while away from her chambers would be to have her servants scrub her… that was it! He’d pose as a servant as soon as he saw signs of her stirring from her slumber.

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