Monday 5 December 2022

Saving the World with Cake #dreamdiary 144

I’m upstairs in my house. I look out the window and see a fight breaking out on the front drive of an adjacent close. There’s kids running around everywhere. I reach for my phone to call the police then I remember that I’ve left it downstairs. I then realise the house has a handset in the very room that I’m in. I start to dial then in the distance I hear police sirens so I hang up. When I replace the handset, three young schoolboys are staring up at me. I turn my attention back to the window. People are running away at the sound of the sirens. I lean out of the window and direct a police car to give chase up the hill. Then a second car arrives and I direct it towards the other group who have fled to the end of the road. An old lady drives down the hill in her small box car, and in the confusion she parks on my driveway. She gives a sympathetic smile, puts the car into reverse then drives across the road and into the opposite garden fence which tips the car over. I tell the schoolboys that we should go and help and head down the stairs. As I walk across the landing, I notice a pile of angel cakes and pancakes sitting in the corner. I pop my shoes on then open the door to discover that both the lady and the car have disappeared. It’s been a crazy few minutes so I decide to share the cake. I ask one of the schoolboys to bring it down, then discover that the plates are all in the dishwasher. I find a few serving trays and we go outside to serve cake. 

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