Tuesday 25 October 2022

Paw Patrol

After chatting to one of my friends who was volunteering there as a marshal, it took a while to convince the girls that there were other things to see and do, and we could always come back to this later if they liked. Armed with this information, we soon came across some large models of Paw Patrol characters, which they instantly wanted to be pictured with. There was also an aqua mosaic which they stuck their heads through so that they could become deep-sea divers, and they insisted that we do the same. There was a similar set-up with another mosaic from Paw Patrol. I left them in a pit building houses and got Mum some refreshments, then I sneaked off for a few minutes to look at the Star Wars models. As well as a few scenes, there was a huge bunker complete with guns that you load up with bricks and try to attack the bunker.  

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