Monday 17 October 2022

Work Improvements

We had a visit from the store improvement team. One of the things that wanted to look at was the process that we undertook for each task, including the actions we took to making it happen and listing every single step. Once this was done, the list was placed on the wall. Then every time we had to do that step, we had to take a sticker and sign our name and the date on it. I think the entire point was to see how often a task was done and what the benefits would be if we used a different method. The problem was that we had to focus on the job at hand and often we didn’t understand that we had to go back and complete this task when they weren’t on their visits. It would have better if they had observed us. Sadly, they’re not with us nowadays. The company decided to close the whole department and make the tea involved with the project become redundant. There’s no longer any interest or forum dedicated to improving things.

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