Thursday 13 October 2022

Behind Bars

Quite rightly, the track is fenced off from the public. There’s a lovely row of lights followed by tinted window which makes it difficult to see anyone inside. It’s not ideal if you want to wave away your loved ones. We’re protected by the Perspex glass. I’m not convinced by the gap covered by the red velvet robe though. And there’s always going to someone who’s going to use the barrier as a foothold to climb up on top of the train. There’s a fin at the front, but whether this is to discourage others from nesting on the roof or to disguise the train as a shark remains to be seen. It’s all nice and shiny apart from the front which looks a bit grazed. It’s as if the front has already been prised open with a can opener and it’s been glued back together with some poly cement.

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