Thursday 6 October 2022

"The important thing is not to stop questioning. Curiosity has its own reasons for existing"

-Albert Einstein. 

It’s annoying when people ask you too many questions. In one way it’s flattering because they’re trying to tap you for your knowledge and experience while attempting to eliminate their helplessness, but in another way it demonstrates that they’re not prepared to take risks and find out for themselves, and that you’re doing all the hard work for them while they don’t even try. At some point you’ve got to tell them that you don’t have all the answers, and that even though you’re saving time for them, they’re wasting time for you, though if you’ve got time to waste than that’s great. They may be curious, but they’ve got to figure it out for themselves. Life doesn’t come with an instruction manual, and literally any component can malfunction at any time as there’s just too much maintenance to keep things in optimum condition That manual would be enormous. The troubleshooting section alone would take ages to reference to a standard format that would comply with everything.

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