Saturday 22 October 2022

What Happens If Putin Nukes London?

People outside of the M25 will rejoice. We’ll be free of all that focus within the concrete carpark. Our taxes (if we decide to have them) will go into our own projects that do our local community some good rather than pay some expensive politician to waste our resources to keep his car running and his second house clean. We may even branch off and form our own tribes and civilisations. We’ll be able to construct some sort of power plant out of the remaining nuclear waste to supply the nearby towns and cities for the next fifty years or so. The north will suddenly become popular despite the cold, and Scotland will be a lot more attractive. A lot of historical relics will be lost, but the idea of it will continue to be remembered through the internet. And a lot of people will be upset and will be speaking to other countries about retaliating before popping over to do something about it.

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