Monday 3 October 2022

The Last Pagoda

This must be the last pagoda in the temple. It’s certainly the last one that we looked at. I think the idea was that you could throw some coins in the pot or scan the QR code to make a donation. It could be a secret entrance to a complex underground network of tunnels. I wouldn’t count on it though. It’s a good job that my phone wasn’t in internet mode otherwise it might have done. I wonder if that’s why the photo became cloudy. We did exit through a rear building which very much looked like a cafeteria. The corners of the pagoda stretches on and on. It looks like it’s been hung from the rooftops of the adjacent buildings rather than being supported by the poles that it covers. It's a shame that we won’t know the meaning of the symbols, although some look like animals and one even looks like a cable car.

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