Thursday 20 October 2022


What makes a good friendship? What can you get out of this human connection? How do you decide the criteria for a friend? Is it someone that you can manipulate easily and take advantage of what they have to offer? Is it someone that you enjoy spending time with and share similar interests? Is it someone that can help you with your problems? Hopefully it’s someone with a combination of all of the above unless you keep relationships with specific people for specific reasons. Do you value someone who’s resourceful and can get you places for the best price (if anything at all) or do you value someone’s companionship because they make you feel warm or loved? Is there someone who feels that way towards you but you don’t return it? Maybe there’s someone out there with a combination of all of these elements. How long do friendships last? When do people drift away? Is it because they’ve found something that’s better suited to them? Has an argument taken place and can it be resolved with gifts, apologies and forgiveness?

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