Tuesday 4 October 2022

Lost Boys

This is a classic 80’s film full of fun teen references, though it could have been a lot darker. Its introduction becomes surprisingly fun without being too gory, and, with the exception of the supporting vampires, contains some great characters with cheesy catchphrases. There’s some early appearances from some well-known stars and if you don’t know their name you’ve certainly seen them in something else. I was quite surprised when one character wasn’t the head vampire only to be contradicted later. It’s great that the setting is a holiday resort which explains why some kids are getting far more responsibility than they should be and it’s easier to disguise disappearances. It’s set in an age that some of the acts are so outrageous that society just doesn’t know how to react. It becomes a little too comic as to what can be gotten away with. It could have been a lot darker, but it certainly makes vampires look cool. Now I know what that reference in The Big Bang Theory was.

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