Saturday 15 October 2022


We’re on a mission to get back home. We’re trying not to sleep during the day but it’s a long flight.   Our flight has landed on time in the evening, but unfortunately we have to stay the course and wait for our appointed bus to turn up to take us in the direction of home. There’s not much of a glorious place to wait. There’s a makeshift portacabin with a couple of plastic chairs. We could have waited inside the airport, but we’ve just spent all day inside a metal cylinder tube breathing in artificial air and we want to feel something fresh on our faces, even if it’s diesel smoke-stained air. Our bus arrives, but we’re travelling back at night and I have to deal with a frail old lady who’s sitting cold and just wants to get home. I’ve also got to summon a taxi to collect us once our bus reaches its destination.


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