Saturday 1 October 2022

Party Priests

There’s a lot going on here. There’s a whole gathering in the tower, but oddly they’re looking at what’s in front of them rather than down at us to judge us. I doubt if there are any deity statues that allow you to look down on them (unless it’s placed on a cliff face). While the golden one applauds what’s in front of him, the tin one on the bottom left looks as if he’s asking to see your ticket. The guy in the middle is his back-up bouncer and he’s got a ninja impregnated in his stomach who’s ready to jump out if there’s any trouble. the guy behind him looks a bit more noble, perhaps he’s the manager. The guy on the right is the Sergeant-at-Arms who’s attempting to hide the guy behind him who’s clearly in party mode. It must be a captivating show. There’s even a baby with a beard who’s enjoying it.


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