Friday 30 September 2022

Is Russia actually losing this war, or is it just media propaganda?

No-one really wins a war. People lose their lives over a conflict of resources. It’s just a faster way of destroying everything. But in another way, Russia is actually winning it. For a country that’s been dominated by a dictator, they’re certainly getting closer to taking back their own country than they have been in a long time. People are leaving the country in droves to avoid being called up to the front line as labour depletes. There’s plenty of decent people there who are protesting the war and are standing up to their ‘government’ while there’s very few people who can enforce it since they’re serving on the front line. At some point, people will say no to this action and will stand up against their authorities. They may attempt to control their little sector of the world. There might even be a weak border that will allow others to infiltrate. I just wish they’d hurry up.

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