Saturday 24 September 2022

Mysterious Angel

He’s a mystery man that I don’t think that I’ve ever met. I’ve only spoken to him, but it conjures up an image of a bearded man with wings sprouting out of a grey fleece gently descending with a firkin in his hands. The conversation was something to do with beer. Perhaps he was asking for directions as to where to bring it. He might have even won an award during the event. According to the good book he’s still brewing, but I haven’t heard of him or seen any of his beers on anyone’s bar since. Have we done something to offend him? Maybe the novelty has worn from trying a new brewery and that his beers weren’t that good later down the line. There’s certainly nothing on display outside the address but it might not be something that you want to advertise anyway if you can’t afford to make the site secure. I’ll have to ask the locals. 

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