Thursday 22 September 2022

Tales of the Bottom #vampress 9

There wasn’t even a beach or any sign of debris floating in the cove which appeared overnight. Some of the braver children stuck their head underwater expecting to see a huge house at the bottom of the sea, but all that was there was a gaping underwater chasm. Where had their fathers and elder brothers gone? It was the Transylvanian way not to show the children the corpse because there was seldom one anyway, leaving the knowledge of death to be a mystery. And it was this tale that one of the children wrote to her penfriend in England as part of a school project to learn of other cultures. It could sometimes take up to a month for the latest news to filter through or at least receive a reply owing to the slow postal service and the enthusiasm of each child. But one child did decide to correspond over their summer once she’d read of this extraordinary news.

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