Tuesday 6 September 2022

Magic Door

It’s an adventure game using the power of imagination, very similar to the old text computer games where you use your mind to keep track of everything. The system often misinterprets what you’re saying unless you state your phrase in full, and also has a habit of exiting if you don’t give the correct answer. It’s very easy to get into repetitive circles which I’m only reminded about after I’ve chosen the option, and sometimes gives too much information. The character voices don’t have original names and are a little too high-pitched and nasal to understand at times, and I hope that I don’t encounter too many of them or that I’m not given too many quests to try and remember. At least no harm will come to me. I could only find three of the rabbit’ s magic eggs and I couldn’t see any more options to explore. And when the clumsy princess told me that she’d lost her crown again, I decided that I’d had enough and shut the magic door. 

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