There’s a landmark birthday approaching and we’re looking into ordering a vase. Getting a gift personalised from the internet can be difficult at times as what you see on the screen may not necessarily be what you receive. At the time, we’d narrowed it to two suppliers. One was quite cheap, but the design was limited and the engraving really looked like it should be on a beer glass rather than a vase. The other was much more expensive, but the coloured design stood out and you could personalise your message. We had plenty of characters to choose from, and the only negative reviews seemed to be the box it came in. We weren’t too bothered as we were pretty sure that our recipient would use it rather than store it so we gave it a shot. When it arrived, the glass looked good, but the inscription looked faded and watery as if it would rub off. We really should have popped into our local shop and I regret our choice. I just hope our recipient likes it.
Thursday, 31 December 2020
Wednesday, 30 December 2020
Foundation 1 by Isaac Asimov

My rating: 2 of 5 stars
I was disappointed with this story. It started so well with a newcomer to a new world. But rather than introduce us to the same narrator, we’re shown snapshots of characters who have been around for generations and we’re expected to figure out the differences ourselves. There’s extracts from the encyclopaedia but they don’t do the book justice. I felt that he could have been a bit more creative and have leant us an android to fill us in. Because of this, there’s little opportunity to connect with the characters in this book. They didn’t draw any warmth and the reader doesn’t follow them for long or form a connection before the next generation evolves. The tale also gets very political which destroys the original concept of a science-fiction novel. The conclusion made me wonder if our Brexit negotiators had to go through a similar process. It also mocks the principals of the Foundation and creates a god-like aura for successful predecessors. Hopefully things will improve.
View all my reviews
Tuesday, 29 December 2020
How can you write a frightfully scary story? You might not know your reader so it’s hard to guess their phobias other than typical stereotypes. Of course, making it too scary might discourage readers from pursuing your topic any further, whilst what some might fear could be hilarious to others. But if you create a character with feelings then you might create an engaging story even if it doesn’t chill your reader. You can create lots of suspense by throwing in the unexpected; providing that it’s not too bizarre. And dark places are awesome! You may not like going into them because you don’t know where you’re going to end up, but the feeling and the transformation when you come out of them can be fantastic. While the unknown may create suspension for the reader and encourages them to read on; it may even help the reader to cope with their situation.
Monday, 28 December 2020
Bar Mat Hat
I have a hat made of bar mats. It’s probably one of those
things that I’ve kept longer than I should, and it should have ended up in the
bin ages ago. But it’s genius! It’s basically a cardboard hospital bedpan/sick bowl
that’s had bar mats artfully glued to it. I got mine at Dudley Winter Ales
Fayre where a group of scouts had a production line set up to make them for
charity and they could not get them out fast enough. Over the past few years the
mats have come loose. I’ve tried to repair it by adding Pritt Stick to the
beer mats but the mats still fall off. I probably need the PVC kind with a
brush that you buy by the jug for a primary school. I’ve often thought of
adding string and bottlecaps to it and a plastic pint as a centrepiece to enter
in the hat day at the Great British Beer Festival; but it’s one of those
occasions that I haven’t had the opportunity to attend in recent years.
Sunday, 27 December 2020
Maintenance Man #dreamdiary100
I’ve arrived at a school to help repair some furnishings. I’m wearing a traditional handyman’s white apron and large black boots. I’m carrying two large plastic poles. One is about three foot and the other is around seven foot. I’ve got no idea where I’m putting them up. I carry the poles into reception and sign the visitor’s book. The receptionist; a thin elderly woman with narrow glasses; tells me the room number and summons a pair of twin girls to show me the way. The trouble is that they’re quite young and they don’t understand the schools mapping system; they only know it by who teaches in which classroom. They lead me back outside then into a separate block then they stop in the building entrance and look confused. They tell me that they think it’s in here but they’re not sure which room. We walk into the first classroom on the left to discover that It already has blinds fitted. However, upon exiting the classroom I spot a map by the building’s fire alarm system. A quick study tells me where I need to go and it’s not long before I’m saying goodbye to the girls and getting to work.
Saturday, 26 December 2020
I have a lot of blurry photos. They’re not great to look at
or publish; but sometimes it’s the only shot that you can get; especially in an
action sequence. So when you get a chance to edit them, it’s only natural to
try and sharpen them up for a better shot. But can the software really correct
the lens? Or should the lens be sharp in the first place? I’ve never had much success
with this. Usually, the effects just tones up the colour some more. If the
camera software had stabilisation technology, then photography would be so much
easier and there should be an option to blur the image afterwards should you
need to. But instead, you’re begging the computer to do its magic because you missed
the opportunity to take the shot again. It’s either that or run the risk of
being a lousy photographer unless you choose not to publish the shot at all.
Friday, 25 December 2020
Bodged Job #dreamdiary100
I’m running late for a delivery job. We’re hanging out in what I thought was an abandoned garage. I’m waiting for a van so that we can fill up its tyres. Meanwhile, one of the newer drivers admits that he’s a bit nervous about driving his van so I agree to accompany him on a test run. At a five-point roundabout I tell him to take the second exit but rather than waiting in the queue he decides to mount the kerb and drive alongside the adjacent pavement. ‘I thought that we could do that as we’re delivery drivers’ he explains. I dismiss him then open the doors to the garage. I decide that as soon as my van arrives I’ll leave it in the garage and go out in my employee’s van. The trouble is that his first delivery was a microwave. As I’m holding the microwave, I hear a noise coming from the corridors in the back. It turns out that the garage isn’t abandoned but it’s a warehouse for microwaves! I realise that the microwave that I’m holding could be mistaken for one of theirs. On my way out, I’m forced into a team meeting where a variety of thefts are discussed, and they begin to show images from CCTV. Fortunately, they can’t get it working. I decide to return to my van and slowly walk away with my microwave while a security guard watches me.
Thursday, 24 December 2020
Knot that Way!
Wednesday, 23 December 2020
Double Trouble
Mum’s TV went kaput. She has a small one in the bedroom to doze off on when she can’t get to sleep at night. Anyway, one moment there was a picture and the next there was just a black screen with a colourful wibbly line. She could still get perfect sound but it looked like the screen had given up. So one of my little jobs for the day was to sort her out a new TV. A quick search online found a good brand at a reasonable price; but we also found a lower brand one that was smart for the same price. After a quick explanation she was keen on the idea so the TV was duly collected. Just before I started ripping out the packaging, I thought it best to give the stand a good clean so that I wouldn’t get dust into the rest of the room. As I did this, I though I’d try the dust-free TV one last time before its trip to the tip…and it worked first time! It looked like some of the screen had come loose at the top which exposed some white backing; but now we have two TVs and a decision to make!
Tuesday, 22 December 2020
Timing it Right
I hate waiting. The last thing
that you want to do is to sit around and wait; especially in these troubled
times. But it could be bad news for the barber; especially if they’re on their
own. He might want a break; and you need him to be fresh and attentive so that
you’ll be confident that they’ll do a good job. But if he’s a good barber and
he runs his own business then he’ll be happy enough that some money’s going into
the till. If someone’s already in the chair, at least that gives you a bit of
breathing space to relax and prepare yourself after your walk. You can watch
the TV or dive into the magazine for ideas for small talk; though I usually each
end up discussing holidays. But if there’s a lot of people you could be talking
about the same old thing as it’s been discussed countless times before. I
usually sit quiet if I’m in the chair as it usually means that I’ve been
waiting for ages anyway.
Monday, 21 December 2020
Pubs. Pints. People.
This enjoyable series looks at the bare necessities of beer and its pub culture including the people behind it and their stories. The trio of presenters bring enthusiastic banter to the show as they discuss events past and present alongside a different theme each week, though it does sound a little bit scripted at times. The in-house interviews are sometimes even more so. It gives people behind the scenes to chance to air their views on the brewing industry, but sometimes it’s the same old tale of how they grew a hobby into a business. Sometimes the feature just reflects the closing line of the segment which is created to reflect an often-stale soundbite. But it does present an interesting view of what the campaign is up to and injects some much-needed enthusiasm into its activities. I’ve sought out some of the brews that they recommend, and they haven’t failed to impress yet. I’m looking forward to a lockdown-free life where I hope they’ll encourage people to seek out a few recommended pubs.
Sunday, 20 December 2020
The Cracks are Starting to Show...
Saturday, 19 December 2020
Keeping the Burglars at Bay
There’s an option on the smart speaker to create random sounds. It can create household noises such as leaving the TV on, kitchen activity with music in the background, and a dog barking. You can play them constantly or have them come on for random periods of time. But if a burglar looks through the window and doesn’t spot the dog, you have to wonder if he’s actually going to be deterred. He may also wonder how long you spend cooking and cleaning. And it’s no good playing kitchen sounds if you leave your smart speaker on in the bedroom. In fact it’s more likely that someone will break in just to see what’s going on out of curiosity. I’m thinking that it’d probably be easier to just leave the radio on; though even that would just infuriate someone who’s trying to deliver a package. This feature might best be saved for the next generation of smart speakers who can see their surroundings, though that in itself sounds a bit scary…
Friday, 18 December 2020
Hook Norton Cold Turkey at the Alexandra Arms, Rugby
Thursday, 17 December 2020
Turning Pages
This young man is short but not stubborn and never ignorant, with short tidy hair and freckles to match, occasionally with a bit of stubble. He started off as a Brummie commuting to a small town. He can get a bit obsessive in what he does and is cocky enough to be independent enough to lead the team and become a manager. Confidence never fails him, though he does flare up with embarrassment when he’s in the wrong. During a shelving exercise he was adamant not to waste any of the shelf clips and ensured that we always returned any excess clips to the storage bench. As a leaving present, we decided to get one engraved with his initials on it. We even put it in a ring box to make it look like a high-end piece of jewellery. He now has a family and his own store on the south coast. It’s amazing to see people progress and it’s nice to think that you’re a part of it.
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
What the Frijj?
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Living a Piece of History
Wouldn’t it be nice to live in somewhere different? Rather than being on an estate with four walls and a garden, you could live somewhere historic. Factories, cowsheds and anything with an interesting exterior are being torn open from inside and converted into residential properties. Buildings that once served the many are now being restricted to the few. It’s great to give the space a new lease of life; but shouldn’t this development be for the benefit of everyone? Often, the facilities inside won’t cater for everyday modern needs and alterations could be difficult. Residents will also have the disadvantage of people gawking at their building in awe and intruding on their personal space. My colleague once lived in a converted chapel and often faced being awaken on Sunday to be asked what time morning services started. Needles to say, she was not amused. It’s far better to lease these properties to a business who at least are more flexible of letting people inside.
Monday, 14 December 2020
The Naked Sun

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
This futuristic novel deals with so many issues that we’re facing at the present time. We learn about Solaria’s customs through the protagonist which is convenient for the reader but also promotes ignorance between these different worlds. The setting certainly makes for an interesting whodunnit! There’s also interesting debates about robotic philosophy which doesn’t require too much detail and Asimov illustrates them perfectly. I also love how he addresses isolation and the fact that Solarians are used to viewing people rather than seeing them. There are some important morals to be echoed here; and it’s great to see that most characters learn and reflect upon their experiences upon the story’s outcome; though I’m not entirely convinced whether Bayley’s suspect was justified. I’m also unsure as to whether the role of Daneel was necessary here; although his presence may fulfil an unknown role in the saga. I guess I’ll have to read on.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 13 December 2020
A Jumping Journey #nuclearmermaid 16
Jenny slid and pulled along herself across the wet and dankly tiles. Right now, she could really use a set of wheels like how the biped got her there. She used the wall to balance herself upright and fit through the portal into the space beyond. Inside this room there were tons of clothes just like the bipeds wore. Could she pass herself off as one of them? If so, she could blend in to get herself back to the ocean; however far away that might be. The trouble was that she’d had so little experience with bipeds that she had no idea how these clothes were supposed to be worn. The clothes that she’d seen worn were very dull but the clothes here were light and colourful. Some were too small so she tossed them into a pile; bearing in mind that perhaps they could be used to cover different parts of her.
Saturday, 12 December 2020
Tetley Bitter at the Bull, Rugby
As our pub crawl continued, things became hazy to recall.
Records show that we did enter this pub and successfully recorded a Cask Marque
visit, but we had nothing to show for it other than a quick half of Tetley
bitter. It doesn’t sound as if we were inspired enough to stay. I may remember black
timber beams, old wooden tables and a black painted bar but I could be merging
my memories with that of pubs gone past. It looks like a traditional town pub
that has been modernised to compete with its competitors to offer services that
you’d expect of a chain pub. The square main entrance could suggest that it
used to be a coaching inn with a recent extension on the left to accommodate more
drinkers; but it’s hard to say for sure as there’s no historical records. There’s
plenty of places to allow you to perch up and meet up with friends to watch live
sports; but there’s no atmosphere to invite you to stay.
Friday, 11 December 2020
It's All About You
The time has come to be upgraded! My current laptop turns ten and it’s running at a snail’s pace. It takes absolutely ages from booting up to the point where you’re ready to complete a task. Furthermore, it’s rapidly running out of disk space. Every time I want to save some edited photos, I find myself putting older albums onto an external hard drive to make room. Notification messages started to appear stating that errors had been detected but the computer wasn’t telling what they were. The whole thing needed moving onto a new system before I lost everything. But what to do? I didn’t want a quick fix; I needed something lasting but practical to see me through the next decade at least. A powerful laptop would be good, but now that I have a tablet would I still need one. A Mac would be nice but I was worried that some of my old programs wouldn’t work. But what about a traditional PC? I could customise it the way I want. Then I found a PC that’s built into a screen rather than a traditional tower. Problem solved.
Thursday, 10 December 2020
Greene King Rocking Rudolph at the Lawrence Sheriff, Rugby
Wednesday, 9 December 2020
Sporty College #dreamdiary99
I’m walking through the grounds of my old college. As I pass one of the classroom complexes, the footpath diverts around a tennis court opposite the building. It all looks modern, shiny and new and I start to wonder what was there before. Perhaps it was just open land. In any case, would it be ideally placed so close to the classrooms? The noise generated would certainly disturb lessons. Perhaps students are forbidden from playing during study time. I turn the corner and walk down a paved hill. Approaching me are three students in green basketball apparel. The centre student throws the basketball he is carrying and I’m ready to catch it but he leaps up and snatches it himself. Once we’ve passed, he throws the ball again and it hits me on the back of the head. I fall and books fall out of my backpack while his mates stand there smirking.
Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Wigan Brewhouse Pretoria at the Merchants Inn, Rugby
Monday, 7 December 2020
Secret Snacks
Sunday, 6 December 2020
Oakham Southern Cross at the Raglan Arms, Rugby
Saturday, 5 December 2020
Spooks: The Greater Good
This was an interesting film with plenty of action sequences
and it was great to see the characters out and about more often than sitting
behind their desks. It was great to see some guest appearances from the series
cast, even if they were slowly being killed off one by one. But once again we
see the section head at all odds with the world with everything to play for to
uncover a conspiracy that we see little evidence for. Mace was his usual
boisterous self and as usual I was quite surprised that he didn’t have anything
to do with the conspiracy. I spent a lot of time trying to work out whether the
Holloway character was covered in the series, and it would have made a
lot more sense if an introductory sequence was filmed. In the end the plot
suits the title, but it doesn’t necessarily justify Harry’s rogue actions to
conduct the investigation. And of course, there’s still the classics Spooks
finish which still doesn’t define the legacy of Harry Pearce.
Friday, 4 December 2020
Byatt's Phoenix Gold at the Rugby Tap Room, Rugby
Thursday, 3 December 2020
"If you remain humble, people will give you love and respect even after you have finished with the game. As a parent, I would be happier hearing people say 'Sachin is a good human being' than 'Sachin is a great cricketer' any day.
It’s great to show your passion after a victory but do you really need to brag about it? As an athlete, you might let off a bit of steam; but it’s still important to be respectful to your opponent. After all, they participated in your victory and helped you to achieve it, didn’t they? And for the audience, it’s not necessarily a victory for them (unless they’ve placed a bet on you). For them it’s about the story of your journey and how you got to where you are. So if you’re going to spend the rest of your days boasting of your victory then people will become tired of you very quickly once you’ve achieved your goal. But if you can recognise that it’s not just you who made the magic happen then people will envisage you as someone who cares about those around him. You might have earnt something; but you still need to recognise the responsibilities that come with victory.
Wednesday, 2 December 2020
Branscombe Vale Branoc at the Rupert Brooke, Rugby
Tuesday, 1 December 2020
Intriguing Characters
Who is this person? Why are they doing that? Why should I care. You might read a lot of stories where there’s plenty of action, but they can be a bit hard to follow if you don’t know anything about the characters and how they react to it. Otherwise you may as well be reading a manuscript for a movie. Stories should make the reader want to find out more about the characters rather than predict what is going to happen to them. A bit of backtracking never did anyone any harm and it certainly fills in a few blank pages. It also gives you the opportunity to display how unique your character is and show their traits and attributes. But you might want to keep some things a mystery to encourage your reader to read more and not make your character’s reactions so predictable. Otherwise it would be quite easy for the reader to foresee the rest of your story.
Monday, 30 November 2020
That Beer Belly!
Sunday, 29 November 2020
Turn on the Lights
How do you turn off the lights at night? Why, with a flick of a switch of course. Of course, you’ve then got to face the task of negotiating yourself to the bed in the dark. But man has evolved. We’ve created lamps to place by the bed to solve this very problem. It’s very handy when it comes to light out and hopefully the sun will be back in the morning to light your way. But what if you need to get up during the early hours? You’ve got to fumble around on that table for the switch. You might even have to change your position. Well, fear not. You can now control the light with your voice with just a simple smart plug. You can program it to turn on at certain times and you don’t even need the expensive internet bulbs unless you want to put on a light show. Laziness at its best. Now all you have to do is to try and find those slippers.
Saturday, 28 November 2020

My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I spent a lot of time wondering when this story was written. I wondered about the ambiguity of the foreword and the necessity that some parts of this alien world have been translated for our convenience. Had it been set in today’s time I’m sure our scientists would have sent something up there to see this impending catastrophe. But now that I’ve discovered that this was written before the space race, my respect has increased for the authors. They’ve created a great concept of a world without darkness but it does focus too much on the academic world. this is convenient for the reader when the event occurs as it gives the professors the instant ability to document the after-effects, but a little more Kalgashian knowledge before the incident wouldn’t go amiss. The characters all seem to be quite isolated beings (though protagonists usually are) and only come into being when presented in the plot. But after a brief conflict, the novel comes to an interesting and convenient conclusion which may be too short for a full novel but perfect for the publication for which it suited.
View all my reviews
Friday, 27 November 2020
Angry Managers
By day you’re in a shop and by night you’re pimply boy racer with a flash car and a pass to take pictures at nightclubs. But life changes and you may get to a point where you end up somewhere that you didn’t plan to go. That’s fair enough. But you still need to uphold the values to which you’re expected to; especially if you’re managing other people. Buying treats for your colleagues is a great to motivate them; but it can get expensive to repeat the process. And you’ve also not got to make a big deal out of things and blow them out of proportion. Saying to your colleagues that you’re sick of people getting the process wrong isn’t going to bring about a change. It’s down to you to change the attitude and be constructive in how things can be improved. Dismissing colleagues when they’re trying to point out your attitude isn’t really going to help.
Thursday, 26 November 2020
A bit of Boss at the Seven Stars, Rugby
Wednesday, 25 November 2020
Choose Your Own History
Bad things have happened. We learn from the past and move, on, but these things should never be forgotten. If everyone did everything correctly then there wouldn’t be any conflict anyway. But what exactly do we pass down to our future generations? We can’t leave them a gap and say that everything was fine. They need to know that their ancestors suffered so that they can enjoy the freedoms that we have today. But they can’t learn it all so what do you omit? And if we go back and explain that was acceptable then but it isn’t now then how do we explain the societal problems that we have now? There were people who committed what believed to be noble actions in the past which today would be regarded as outrageous, but equally we need to fix our own societal problems before we can label a period as ‘the bad times’.
Tuesday, 24 November 2020
Collyfobble Bob On! at the Squirrel Inn, Rugby
Monday, 23 November 2020
Delivery Dream #dreamdiary98
It’s a beautiful sunny day and I’m expecting a computer to be delivered to my house. A white Luton van turns up and parks up outside the house opposite. The delivery driver gets out and unloads a fridge freezer, a pre-assembled white bedside chest of drawers and a headboard. He places these in the middle of the road which essentially blocks himself in as he’s put these behind the vehicle as we live in a close. He then rings the bell and points at what he thinks I’ve ordered. ‘Those aren’t mine’ I say. ‘I’ve ordered a computer. He shrugs and returns to his vehicle. Meanwhile, my nosey neighbour whose house he’s parked outside has come out to see what’s going on. She sees the lovely sunny weather and heads back into the house and returns with her eldest sun who is carrying two sun loungers. They then assemble these loungers in front of the delivery vehicle; which is now essentially blocked on both sides. I refuse to move the items that he’s placed in the middle of the road; and I get on the phone to the delivery company to try and find out where my computer is.
Sunday, 22 November 2020
Don't Give In!
Saturday, 21 November 2020
Airtime Rewards
Friday, 20 November 2020
Microsoft Moans
Thursday, 19 November 2020
I enjoyed this series from the start but missed some of the key seasons so I was delighted when I could browse through the whole thing from start to finish. I can certainly see why applications for the service tripled when it was first broadcast. I like the great tension between government departments who can’t trust each other apart from the almighty GCHQ who conveniently locate and pass on information to help advance the plot. There’s usually a few plot lines within each episode and sometimes it’s confusing to remember who is investigating and conspiring against whom. I found Quinn to be a bit arrogant and miserable, but Carter was a much more watchable character. Some of the agents’ departures are a bit heart-breaking at times. I like the graphics of the ending of each episode which suggests that the events that we’ve just witnessed are secret and are never to be discussed again.
Wednesday, 18 November 2020
Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Fast Feast #nuclearmermaid15
Jenny feasted. It had been a while since she’d had proper red meat, and even though there wasn’t much, there was plenty of sauce. She relished sucking the organs down her throat then began the long task of stripping the meat from the bones. When they were clean, she licked up as much blood as she could from the stained tiles. She felt no remorse for the creature whatsoever as she had been in captivity for longer than she’d cared to remember. What she did miss was a supply of fresh water and it was her next task to seek it out. But first, she needed rest. Attacking the biped had used up a lot of her strength. When she awoke, the pit seemed somewhat smaller than before. Although her head remained in the same position, her fins were pushed up against the pit wall. As she lowered herself back into the pit, she found that her head had become level with the pit’s edge. With a small push, she managed to pull herself up and out.
Monday, 16 November 2020
Cake on Your Face
Sunday, 15 November 2020
At what point did you find it too hard to work in retail?
There’s a prayer out there somewhere that goes along the lines of ‘God grant me the serenity to accept the things that I cannot change.’ I aimed quite high in my retail career before I learned that the bigger the organisation is; the harder it is to change something. I played a supervisory role for over ten years and attempted to enter management several times without success. I applied for development courses and took part in forums to change the way we worked but the people I encountered always had another agenda. They’d admit that the proposed changes would never happen because of budget allowances or take a very vague interest then leave the company the following quarter. Since then I’ve been demoted to a regular squaddie because of cutbacks and it gets frustrating when I have to advise a superior on the best course of action to fulfil a process. And of course, there’s the other colleagues. I’m all for high standards and great customer service but I can’t be there 24/7. And when I have to correct someone’s mistake because they haven’t spent the same time ensuring that their responsibilities are up to par, a little part of me dies and makes me not to want to work with these people any more.
Saturday, 14 November 2020
Party Games
Friday, 13 November 2020
"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."
What you want and what you get are often two different things; especially if you’re not entirely sure what you’re getting. Something might sound delicious when read on a menu but what’s plated in front of you mightn’t be what you expected at all. The trouble is that we’re British. We risk offending others, and in this day of lawsuits any offence can easily put in as a case of slander. Of course, even if you say what you want it still doesn’t necessarily mean that people will be able to accommodate your request. But those who don’t speak out will not be feared and instead it gives more control to the provider to supply something that doesn’t live up to expectation. In most cases we’ll just vote with our feet and not use that service again; but this doesn’t necessarily help someone who’s unknowingly made a mistake. Don’t be afraid to speak out!
If people in the US are 'free', what is an example of something a US citizen can do that someone in Britain can't do?
To be honest, there’s not a lot. The days of tyranny are over. We don’t really have a feud system anymore where the peasants pay rent to a tyrant who decides all the rules. These people’s rights are now protected by the government; and there’s more support funded by UK taxes when things go wrong. You could argue that there’s more protesters in the US because there’s more people as we generally tend to restrict our nutjobs to major cities that have good media outlets; and we don’t tolerate their actions. There’s certainly a greater proportion of demonstrations broadcast on YouTube in the US; and it’s probably why people are more tolerant of them there. There’s recently been ‘pockets’ of UK people demonstrating their rights in a similar manner to the US, but these people seem to be more of a nuisance to society and don’t respect people’s privacy in a manner that would otherwise be accepted across the pond. The land of the free is somewhere that you can rant and rave and people can choose whether or not they care.
Thursday, 12 November 2020
Out with the OId, in with the New
Wednesday, 11 November 2020
TV Trouble
Our kitchen TV has given up the ghost. It’s always been a bit fiddly as it runs off a house aerial behind the kitchen appliances and up into the attic. We often pick it up and move it around on the counter to try and get reception. I’ve also been up in the attic to try and adjust the aerial outside but this hasn’t had much of an effect. Now the cable’s finally snapped, and we’ve been watching shows streamed on our tablets. My friend came round to repair the aerial cable by stripping the wire and attaching a new socket but it didn’t make much of a difference. I felt that the easiest solution would be to buy a streaming stick rather than a new indoor aerial which would be about the same price but would take up more space in the kitchen. This also gives us the choice to watch what we want rather than watch what is on.
Tuesday, 10 November 2020
Ribbiting Stuff
If you’d like your child to get some exercise while sat in front of the telly, then this perfect for them. The giant novelty frog descales their sense of reality; though I suppose it would devolve any fear towards a real frog which would be a good thing so long as they don’t chase it into the water. Adults can get annoyed with the irritating tunes while kids can get annoyed when the adults turn them off and spend the next ten minutes trying to turn the music back on again. After that, I’m sure the adult will spend half an hour trying to figure out how to remove the batteries. Don’t expect the blue plastic to be comfortable either. I just wonder how long it will be until the child gets bored of the frog staying in place and ventures off to explore? There could be many marks generated from the scrapes…
Monday, 9 November 2020
The Silver Dollar
There’s not a lot that you can get for a dollar. Currently, you’re more likely to spend two or three and you’re more likely to pay with a card rather than coins. I wonder if the practice of rounding up will end. You’ll actually be able to pay for a litre of fuel without being charged an extra tenth of a penny. And because we’re not bothering with change any more, you can deduct the exact amount without having bits to throw in charity tins or at tramps. They’ll have to think up other ways to do their fundraising. It also means that there’s no risk of being given a different currency out of the till either. I’m starting to wonder about those bits of paper in my wallet as well. Perhaps I should cash them in now before they fall off the face of the earth. At least I’ll get a bit of interest back, and future generations will wonder what cash is.
Sunday, 8 November 2020
Discover Raglan Castle by John R. Keynon
Saturday, 7 November 2020
Bus Driver #dreamdiary97
It’s my birthday and I’ve decided to hire a red London Routemaster bus to take all my friends around country pubs for the day. It’s got lots of rust and faded paint and I get first dibs at the wheel. I’ve chosen a few friends who have volunteered to stay sober to take us the rest of the way. My first task is to pick them up; and I’ve told them what bus stops to be at. We’ve made a customised route number that says Paul’s Pub tour. At the first stop, my best friend joins me and takes a few pictures of me behind the wheel; then I get out and take a few pictures as well. But then a woman comes along and gets on our bus! I explain that we’re not a real bus but that we’ve hired it for the day.
‘But who is driving?’ she asks.
I open my wallet and show her the permit that I’ve been given for the day; which surprisingly looks like a bus pass. ‘But I suppose I can take you’ I say. We’ve got a few stops to make first. ‘Where do you want to go?’
I pull out into traffic. The next stop is only two hundred yards away and a group of five people are standing by the post. One of them sticks out their hand. I stop but only because I’m in traffic waiting for the lights to change. Foolishly, I’ve left the door open because it’s such a hot day and there’s no air conditioning; so on they hop flashing bus passes.
‘Em, we’re not a real service’ I explain, but they don’t seem to hear me and take their seats. What do I do now?’ I turn to my friend.
‘Just stick to our plan and pick everyone else up’ says my friend. ‘If they haven’t gotten off by then we’ll drive them to the hospital and chuck them out at the interchange. They’ll be able to catch another bus from there.’
Ten minutes later we’ve taken on another eight passengers and I’ve earnt £4.50 in fares. We’ve had numerous complaints though; we’ve not been giving the correct change; issuing tickets or accepting contactless payments. We’ve decided to let these passengers on for free. Then one drunk wants us to wait for him while he goes and gets a bag of chips. I’m close to bursting to tears at this stage as everyone is messaging me to see where I am; whether I’ve broken down or is the pub crawl still on. Then I realise that a real bus driver wouldn’t wait and I decide to man up and put the pedal to the metal.
‘You can catch the next one’ I yell through the rolled-down window. I head off.
Friday, 6 November 2020
The Prancing Penguin
animal to top porcelain Percy and he’s dressed for the party season too. Everyone’s obsessed with him. I can’t remember whether it took batteries or a simple prod set it off. It could have even started from the flushing mechanism. I sent it to a friend who is mad about penguins but didn’t hear a reply. How rude! It’s not as if I was demonstrating where the thing was or an accidental something else in the video. It’s in a great place; although you have to ask if it’s in the right room. Perhaps all the other rooms are fully decorated. And if you don’t go, you’re going to miss out on this feature. It’s a bit of a distraction when you’re trying to aim though. Just don’t try to join in.
Thursday, 5 November 2020
The Water Carrier
Wednesday, 4 November 2020
Banks's Amber Ale at the William Webb Ellis, Rubgy
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
Georgie Porgie
This secret guy is tall, dark, and handsome, and speaks in mysterious ways too. He’s quite soft spoken and works for the government but he’s not allowed to say which department. We’ve always suspected the security services. He’s certainly got the manner for a spook; he takes an interest in everything that you do but reveals little about himself apart from his past. He might not even by telling us his real name. He’s also a snappy dresser he’s prepared to show off a cloak and hat by day, always with impeccably ironed trousers and polished shoes. When it comes to the evening he’s not afraid to climb into a tux whatever the occasion. He may even wear a wristwatch that he talks into when he thinks that no-one’s watching. He’s also well-groomed and fragranced to impress the ladies. But he’s also quite punctual and reliable; and is always at the end of a phone or a quick reply to a text.
Monday, 2 November 2020
Return to Rugby
For our Christmas drinks womble,
we headed back into Rugby. We started our tour at the Victoria after a steady ten-minute
gentle incline from the train station. As our second planned pub opened a while
later, we had some time to kill here and relaxed in the pool room chatting to
the locals as they came in. We particularly enjoyed the plush leather pews and
the tiled floor in the atmosphere of a sports pub, and we managed a few frames
too. We couldn’t see the full range of ales from this side of the bar; but as
it was initially quiet the barmaid was happy to help us out. I decided to warm
up with a traditional half of a light Oakham ale followed by a selection from
the house brewery. Memory forbids me from recalling what the house beer was but
I remember deciding that the former beer was in better condition.
Sunday, 1 November 2020
Twits wot Tweet
It’s getting a bit vulgar out there. People that we currently admire seem to have the power to bitch about anything they want without consequences. It’s nice to know what they’re thinking even if their views are controversial to the norm. But half the time, we don’t even know what they’re talking about. If we’re lucky, they might include a link to that of which has offended them. Of course, by sensationalising the issue they could secretly be in it themselves and could be endorsing the cause by offering clickbait. What a conspiracy! Because of their fame; it’s led them to believe that they’re a public figure of authority. What these assholes need to understand is that the rest of us must share the planet (with the internet included) as well. But if they’re going to offend us then they must realise that we can switch them off at any time. That’ll teach them when they wonder why their book sales are down.
Saturday, 31 October 2020
Keeping Tabs on You
Friday, 30 October 2020
How do I tactfully tell someone that they smell bad?
It depends on the environment. You might have some authority in the workplace; but if you’re on public transport with a stranger; you’re not going to have any authority whatsoever. If you see them on a regular basis, then perhaps there’s an opportunity for you to smuggle an anonymous note into their coat, bag or work area. Sometimes there’s nothing that you can do about it other than to get away from the offending person as soon as possible. Perhaps you could offer them a comfort break to freshen up; or let them know what you’re doing and ask them if they’d like to do the same afterwards. The key is to take a subtle approach to test their reaction and see how they react to your suggestion. Is there a way to amplify your smell to mask theirs by opening some mints? You might even go the extra mile and offer them one. Or if it’s a stranger that you probably won’t see them again you can say what you feel as you depart and hope they have a thick skin.
Thursday, 29 October 2020
Bags of Trouble
Wednesday, 28 October 2020
Sounds of the 90's
I fancied listening to something different to my regular mix at the gym. What I needed was something that I would enjoy but that had that human touch as well. This mix was perfect. As well as a good mix of music to suit most genres, host Fern Cotton also takes us back to discuss the playground crazes of the times. She also throws in a few guests to chat to; though at times it seems as if she’s calling up her mates to fill some airtime. It’s sometimes hard to see the relevance when they talk of the nineties as being that hazy period where they were hanging out with celebrities all the time. I love the movie quotes; there’s some excellent tunes which makes up its soundtrack too. Its actual broadcast is late at night; so it’s a lot easier to download it to listen to at leisure. Perhaps they should go for a live show though.
Tuesday, 27 October 2020
Basket Case
Monday, 26 October 2020
Brunch #nuclearmermaid14
Sunday, 25 October 2020
Disappointing Deviations
Saturday, 24 October 2020
Grandpa's Story
People aren’t always interested in stories. They’re more likely to tell stories about other people than their own; especially if it’s about the olden days and if you struggle to recall them yourself. But this can affect the way in which they’re remembered. And it’s important to entertain all audiences if you can. The last thing you want seared into their minds is an image of you coughing up your guts into a bin. So it’s important to tell stories to be remembered; even if they’re a little far-fetched; to hide those negative moments. That way they’ll remember being taken out to parks and sitting in quiet amusement as you doze off in tents when you’re supposed to be babysitting. And if you can’t tell stories then you need to keep your listeners hooked in some way, even if it’s being a little bit silly. The easiest method to do this is to make new memories.
Friday, 23 October 2020
A Different Christmas
Thursday, 22 October 2020
The bus #dreamdiary 96
It’s time for my annual holiday with my college friends. I’ve got an excellent deal on a motorhome. It’s got an upstairs living area at the back which overlooks the kitchen, and in the front is the driver’s seat which has berths above. I’ve achieved the task of picking everyone up; but the only problem is that I haven’t planned a route. I spend the first morning driving to a Tudor mansion which everyone is happy to explore. There’s a lovely banquet room with a view of the mountains; but it doesn’t keep us there for long. During lunch I confess that I haven’t got much further and that nothing is booked. We sit around the kitchen table with a large map in front of us. Everyone is trying to keep positive by searching on their phones for ideas but at the same time I can feel hidden resentment because I haven’t done my homework. I might be in for a long night drive…
Wednesday, 21 October 2020
Giving it up for Free
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Amazon Fire TV Stick
Monday, 19 October 2020
A Prayer for Owen Meany

My rating: 4 of 5 stars
When I first started reading this book, I thought that Irving was just so full of himself. He certainly blows his own trumpet when he introduces his book. As it’s the first title that I’ve read; I’ve no idea what to expect. I got quite a bit bored in the first chapter as Wheelwright attempted to trace his family history and felt that there was going to be too much digression in this tale. I’m not sure about having Owen’s voice in capitals all the time though. It depicts a spoiled little brat screaming all the time; and Meany certainly gets his way in his youth as he commands the adults around him. Perhaps it should have been in italics; though the printer may have had other ideas. That said, it’s a very novel story with plenty of interesting events and a plot that’ll keep you wanting to find out more until the truth is discovered. It’s certainly a book that you’ll want to re-read with the plot in mind.
View all my reviews
Sunday, 18 October 2020
“There is no greater thing you can do with your life and your work than follow your passions – in a way that serves the world and you.”
-Richard Branson.
If you can earn a living by doing something that you enjoy then you’re doing something right. You will care about your work. You’ll be willing to put errors right and strive for perfection. Of course, not everyone gets to follow their desired path. You find that you’re being controlled more than you’re in control. And that’s where problems start. People start to forego their ideas as they follow the desires of others with as little enthusiasm that is necessary so that they can keep their role and perform a function to earn a living. In the meantime; you’ve got to fuel the passion that keeps you going so that you’ve got something to look forward to in your spare time. And who knows; maybe one day you’ll be able to throw off your shackles and pursue your hobby in a meaningful way. And that’s when the controlled becomes the controller.