Wednesday 4 November 2020

Banks's Amber Ale at the William Webb Ellis, Rubgy

From the outside, this looked like a lovely welcoming traditional pub with its large windows, hanging baskets and plant life. Inside it looked attractingly painted in a light modern blue and large plank-style tables capable of holding large groups. From there, the friendliness seemed to end. Our beer was handed over by an unenthusiastic barmaid and the chilled effect still didn’t disguise the vinegary taste.  We took a glance at the large cardboard menus which sounded tempting but looked overpriced for what it contained. We couldn’t see anyone else eating so we took it as a sign. What we did see were groups of lager lads sprawled about the place engaged in either pushing each other around or staring at the giant screens dotted around the place. It’s as if the place was a day-care centre for young adults rather than a welcoming place for all to come and socialise. It didn’t take us long to forgo discovering who William Web Ellis was in favour of moving on and our next destination.   

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