Friday 13 November 2020

If people in the US are 'free', what is an example of something a US citizen can do that someone in Britain can't do?

To be honest, there’s not a lot. The days of tyranny are over. We don’t really have a feud system anymore where the peasants pay rent to a tyrant who decides all the rules. These people’s rights are now protected by the government; and there’s more support funded by UK taxes when things go wrong. You could argue that there’s more protesters in the US because there’s more people as we generally tend to restrict our nutjobs to major cities that have good media outlets; and we don’t tolerate their actions. There’s certainly a greater proportion of demonstrations broadcast on YouTube in the US; and it’s probably why people are more tolerant of them there. There’s recently been ‘pockets’ of UK people demonstrating their rights in a similar manner to the US, but these people seem to be more of a nuisance to society and don’t respect people’s privacy in a manner that would otherwise be accepted across the pond. The land of the free is somewhere that you can rant and rave and people can choose whether or not they care.

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