Friday 13 November 2020

"A lot of people are afraid to say what they want. That's why they don't get what they want."


What you want and what you get are often two different things; especially if you’re not entirely sure what you’re getting. Something might sound delicious when read on a menu but what’s plated in front of you mightn’t be what you expected at all. The trouble is that we’re British. We risk offending others, and in this day of lawsuits any offence can easily put in as a case of slander. Of course, even if you say what you want it still doesn’t necessarily mean that people will be able to accommodate your request. But those who don’t speak out will not be feared and instead it gives more control to the provider to supply something that doesn’t live up to expectation. In most cases we’ll just vote with our feet and not use that service again; but this doesn’t necessarily help someone who’s unknowingly made a mistake. Don’t be afraid to speak out!

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