Sunday 1 November 2020

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It’s getting a bit vulgar out there. People that we currently admire seem to have the power to bitch about anything they want without consequences. It’s nice to know what they’re thinking even if their views are controversial to the norm. But half the time, we don’t even know what they’re talking about. If we’re lucky, they might include a link to that of which has offended them. Of course, by sensationalising the issue they could secretly be in it themselves and could be endorsing the cause by offering clickbait. What a conspiracy! Because of their fame; it’s led them to believe that they’re a public figure of authority. What these assholes need to understand is that the rest of us must share the planet (with the internet included) as well. But if they’re going to offend us then they must realise that we can switch them off at any time. That’ll teach them when they wonder why their book sales are down.

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