Sunday 22 November 2020

Don't Give In!

Keeping your children happy is important but looking out for their welfare takes priority. That’s why it’s important not to give them everything that they want all of the time. For starters, it would be nice if you could, but shelling out for everything that they set their eyes upon could be expensive; and you’ve got to distinguish between a treat and an everyday outing. You’ve also got to try and manage their concepts by thinking up decent excuses. You need to weigh up between what’s good value and beneficial and their future happiness. Letting them play outside all day may keep them happy but they may also become cold and soggy which could bring them colds when they fall asleep. You’ve also got to manage them to ensure that they’re in the right place at the right time; even though it may mean sacrificing their happiness and desires now to benefit them in the future. Best of luck with this one!

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