Friday 27 November 2020

Angry Managers

By day you’re in a shop and by night you’re pimply boy racer with a flash car and a pass to take pictures at nightclubs. But life changes and you may get to a point where you end up somewhere that you didn’t plan to go. That’s fair enough. But you still need to uphold the values to which you’re expected to; especially if you’re managing other people. Buying treats for your colleagues is a great to motivate them; but it can get expensive to repeat the process. And you’ve also not got to make a big deal out of things and blow them out of proportion. Saying to your colleagues that you’re sick of people getting the process wrong isn’t going to bring about a change. It’s down to you to change the attitude and be constructive in how things can be improved. Dismissing colleagues when they’re trying to point out your attitude isn’t really going to help.

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