Friday 20 November 2020

Microsoft Moans

I’ve always wondered about people who buy these cards. Why don’t they just buy them on-line? It’s certainly not convenient for them to just come in for this single purchase. Is it somehow cheaper for them to do it in this manner? Perhaps they’ve got some cash to flash or some loyalty points that they’d like to use. Maybe they don’t trust computers and don’t want to hand over their credit card to the machine. Perhaps they think that their personal details will be published and other people can get hold of them to purchase goods in their name. Essentially, they’re just doing the same thing here; only we give them a receipt and a piece of paper to say that it’s done. And because there’s another human involved; they’ve got someone to blame if something goes wrong. Fortunately, I don’t believe that is ever has unless the till rejects the payment right away. I’ve got no idea how we would check if it accepted it.

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