Monday 16 November 2020

Cake on Your Face

Once thing that’s sure to keep the kids at the party is the food on offer. They may be out to enjoy themselves but they’re still dressed to impress. That means you’ll have to try and keep them clean while they eat. And if they get their hands on some chocolate cake, you need to make sure to have some wet wipes at hand or prepare that garment for a write-off. It may even start a local sweepstakes as to how clean they can stay. But as soon as you get the wipes out, they know what’s coming and it’s going to stop them from achieving what they want to finish. The best thing to do is to pray that they don’t embarrass you, and if they don’t then you can treat them to a reward afterwards. If they do, then you can be sure that they’ll be in for an early night which won’t make them happy at all.

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