Monday 30 November 2020

That Beer Belly!

I’m physically quite skinny, so it worries me when my pot belly appears. Now, it might be known that I drink a lot of beer, but I do take in a lot of exercise as well. At work I clock up a lot of mileage on my feet; and I try to balance it out by hitting the gym once a week. This year I bumped it up to twice a week but no swimming to try and catch up; but the lockdown hasn’t helped. I’ve even added a daily set to my morning routine; but this is mostly to save time in the gym. So it worries me when this little bump appears. It’s most noticeable in the morning. Is it because I’m not in motion during the night? Am I overeating? Am I exercising too much in one area and not enough in another? My calves are enormous; but I can’t seem to get the excess to come upstairs. It also makes my man-boobs appear. Maybe I need to spend more time hanging upside-down to shift up the six-pack from my calves. 

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